Info in the City

Providing trusted information in Newcastle

InformationNOW is 1 of 4 websites in the Info in the City partnership. We’re working together to provide trusted information in Newcastle to help you find the right information, at the right time.

Visit our partner websites for more local information about children, families and the local offer for special educational need (SEND)


InformationNOW provides local information, organisations, events and activities in Newcastle.

Newcastle Support Directory provides local organisations, services, childcare, and activities for babies, children, families and children with Special Educational Needs (SEND local offer).

Newcastle City Council provides local council services including: social care for adults and children, rubbish collections, benefits advice, social housing

North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (NENC ICB) provides information on local health services; public, patient and professional involvement services

Last updated: June 27, 2023