Pets and animals

Having a pet can be very rewarding and gives people companionship. This can be even more true in later life, when people may not have the family or social networks they have had before.

There are many benefits to keeping a pet, but you should remember that looking after an animal can be demanding and expensive. It’s not something you should do without a lot of thought and consideration.

Things to think about before getting a pet

It’s a big decision to get a pet.  It can be useful to talk to a family member, friend or neighbour who already has a pet, for their advice.

Different types of pets require different levels of care so it might be an idea to get a pet that suits your lifestyle. For example, dogs needs regular exercise, birds and small animals have to be cleaned out regularly, cats are more independent but require litter trays to be cleaned regularly.

  • Companionship: having a pet means that you will always have company. Although it may not be the same as having another person in the house, it can be a very good substitute.
  • Exercise: if you have a dog, this will help to keep you active as they need exercising every day. It may also help you to meet new people, as you will usually see other dog owners walking their pets. If you already have a dog and you are finding it difficult to look after, there are organisations that may be able to help.
  • Health benefits: research has shown that having a pet can be beneficial to your health. Pet owners have been found to suffer less from headaches, colds and hay fever, and having a pet can also help to reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol. Pet owners also say that they suffer less from stress and depression, and it is thought that having a pet can help people to cope better with bereavement.
  • Cost: you should always take into consideration that pets can be expensive to care for. Pet food can be fairly cheap, but there are other costs involved such as healthcare. Over the course of a lifetime it can cost £16,000 to £31,000 to care for a dog or cat.

As well as the benefits for yourself, remember that by having a pet you are giving a home to an animal that could otherwise be living in an animal shelter or be stray.

The RSPCA website provides some useful information about each type of pet to help you decide which type of animal would suit you best.

The PDSA website has a P-E-T-S-  (Place, Exercise, Time, Spend) questionnaire tool that can help you think about the right pet to suit your lifestyle.

Where to get a pet

There are lots of pets that are looking for new homes in Newcastle. You could find your new pet by visiting your local animal shelter, look at the advertisements in your local paper, or go to a pet shop. For more information about buying a cat or a dog visit the Gov.UK website.

Animal shelters

Animal shelters are places where unwanted animals are cared for by volunteers until they are found new homes. There are some animal shelters in Newcastle where you can adopt a pet, speak to them if you are no longer able to look after your pet, contact them if you find a stray animal or volunteer to help look after the animal:

Help to look after your pet

As times change you may be finding it harder to exercise and look after your pet, or to pay for the food and care your pet needs. There are organisations that can help by walking your dog or buying pet food if you are housebound. They can also take your animal to the vet if you are unable to do this yourself.

Barking Mad offers a dog sitting, walking and holiday service, mainly in North Newcastle.  They also look after other animals in your home, such as rabbits and tortoises. They also look for dog sitting hosts/volunteers.

Cinnamon Trust works with older and terminally ill people and their pets to try to keep them together for as long as possible. Volunteers can assist with the practical day to day care of pets, for example by walking dogs, helping with transport, feeding, grooming, medication etc.  The trust also provides short term foster care for pets who’s owners face a spell in hospital. The trust also produces a guide to Pet Friendly Care Homes.

Dogs Trust offers information and advice on looking after dog and dog training classes. Their ‘Canine Care Card’ is a free service. You can register to give you peace of mind that the Dogs Trust will look after your dog in the event of your death. They will find your dog a new home, or if this is not possible, they will look after it for the rest of it’s life.

Westgate Ark offers a cat sitting service in the West of Newcastle and essential veterinary care for cats they care for.

Home and Away Pet Transport offers to take your pet to a kennel or for rehoming and house to house for a fee.

Financial help

It can be expensive looking after a pet. As the cost of living increases you may worry if you can afford to have a pet. Food, vet bills, vaccinations, health checks and flea and worming treatments for your pet can be expensive. If you don’t have pet insurance and your pet becomes unwell or has an accident you may need to pay for medical care, an operation or medicines.

PDSA PetAid Hospital provides free veterinary care for owners who can’t afford private vet fees. This includes treatment for all popular domestic pets, such as dogs, cats, rabbits and hamsters. To qualify for help from the PDSA, you must live within the catchment area of a PDSA PetAid hospital or practice, and you must be in receipt of either Housing Benefit or Council Tax Benefit.

RSCPA Newcastle branch can help with veterinary care costs and microchipping

RSPCA cost of living hub has more information about support available to help pet owners with health care, insurance and pet food costs.

Food banks can often provide pet food as part of an emergency food parcel, if you cannot afford to buy food for your animal.

Microchip your pet

All dogs and cats need to be micro chipped by law. A microchip is a small electronic chip that is implanted under your dog or cats skin. Each microchip has a unique 15 digit number which can be seen when scanned by a microchip reader. If your dog or cat is not microchipped you can be fined.

It is illegal for any breeder to sell a puppy that is not microchipped and registered on a database that meets the legal requirement. The breeder must transfer keepership documents to the puppy buyer so the new owner can update their details in order to comply with the law.

Cats must be microchipped once they are over 20 weeks old.

Lost pets

If your pet has gone missing you can check with local services to see if your pet has been found such as :

Dog Lost has details of lost and found dogs and may be able to help reunite you with your missing pet.

Reporting a stray or injured animal

If you find a lost or injured animal, you can take them to your local animal shelter. If they have space they will look after the animal until their owner is found, or find a new home for them. You can also report stray pets to Newcastle City Council.

How to keep your pet safe

Make sure your pet:

  • is micro chipped. Keep your microchip details updated. If your animal is lost, injured or stolen this can help to identify your pet.
  • wears a collar with a tag, with your name, address and telephone details on
  • keep a clear, recent photograph of your pet. Record any unusual or distinguishing features.
  • try to keep your dog in sight when walking. Don’t leave them unattended outside of shops or in cars.
  • Make sure garden fences are high enough and gates secure.

If your pet is stolen, report it to the police and ask for a crime number. This will be necessary to effect possible insurance claims.

Dog Lost has details of lost and found dogs and may be able to help reunite you with your missing pet.

Read more on ways to report crimes or community safety issues

Pets in sheltered accommodation and care homes

Moving into sheltered accommodation or a care home is a huge decision and there are many things to consider before you leave your home. If you have a pet, you may decide that you can no longer cope with looking after it. If this is the case you may have a friend or relative who is willing to adopt it. If not, you can take your pet to an animal shelter where it will be re-homed.

Make sure your new home accepts pets. EAC Housing Care has details of sheltered accommodation schemes and care homes that are ‘pet-friendly’.

Read more about choosing a care home on InformationNOW.

See the section on ‘Help to look after your pet’ above to read more about local support.

Help for homeless people with pets

Street Paws helps people who are homeless or going into temporary accommodation with free vet care for your dog.  They can provide emergency kennel space if needed and work with accommodation providers to welcome pets.

The death of a pet

Losing a pet is a distressing time for any family and you may want to organise a funeral.  Whether you are looking for a memorial for your cat, dog, horse or something smaller, you can arrange a home or organised funeral.  There are a wide variety of urns, coffins – some of which are biodegradable, as well as memorials, plaques and stones.

There may be one or two Pet funeral organisations and my may like to visit  Urns for Ashes for a range of ideas.

Rehoming your pet

You may no longer be able to look after your pet for many reasons such as illness, allergies, losing your job, bereavement or pet behavioural issues. Whatever the reason, there are charities that can help to foster and rehome your pet:

Contact your local animal shelters if you are struggling to look after your pet. They can talk to you about your options and give advice.

Blue Cross offer help to rehome a pet if you can no longer look after it. They also offer advice and support to buy or look after your pet.

Dogs Trust rehomes and rescues dogs in the UK. They will look after your dog in the event of your death. They will find your dog a new home, or if this is not possible, they will look after it for the rest of it’s life.

Oldies Club offer rescues and rehomes dogs aged 7+ in the UK

Alternatives to having a pet

Once you have considered the options, you may have decided that keeping a pet would not be suitable for you. There may be other ways that you can have contact with animals, or can help to care for them.


If you have some time to spare, you could volunteer to help out at your local animal shelter or an animal charity. This might involve dog walking, cleaning kennels or grooming

Fostering an animal

Local animal shelters always need volunteers to help look after the animals in their care. You could register to volunteer at the shelter or to foster an animal in your home.

Dog befriending

Wag and Company are a charity that arrange dog visits with volunteers to older people, people who are isolated or bereaved.

Pets as Therapy arrange visits of pets with a volunteer, to hospitals, hospices, residential care homes, day centres and schools. To bring people comfort and companionship.


It is possible to help an animal through sponsorship. You could sponsor a kennel at your local animal shelter or ‘adopt’ an animal such as a donkey, horse or even an elephant through a charity. You will usually receive photographs and updates about your adopted animal and it is a great way to help without having the responsibility of the practical care.

Dog friendly pubs, cafes and groups

There are a number of pubs and cafes that you can take your dog into.  There are some websites where you can find places near you or to visit on days out:

Doggiepubs website helps you find pubs where you can eat out with your dog. They have over 5000 pubs listed. You can see ratings and reviews from the public.

Cani-fit offers trail running and power walking with your dog. Helping you to socialise with people who love their pets as much as you and keep fit.

Newcastle have a tab on the Best Dog Friendly pubs in Newcastle and Gateshead.

The Chronicle Live also has a list of dog friendly Newcastle restaurants and cafes as well as in South Tyneside, North Tyneside and Northumberland.

The Cafe in the Park at Exhibition Park near the Lake and Tower cafe at Leazes Park are dog friendly

There are dog friendly pubs and cafes close by dog friendly beaches across the North East, for example:

Cat friendly cafes

There are cat friendly cafes where you can enjoy the company of cats as you eat and drink. If you cant own a cat at home then a cat café can be a good option for you:

CatPawCino Cat Café Newcastle 

Mog on the Tyne Cat Cafe Newcastle

You Meow Cat cafe

Taking your pet on holiday

If you are going on holiday in the UK and you want to take your pet with you, there are lots of ways to find dog friendly places.

Many hotel or accommodation websites have a dog or pet friendly search option, such as Air B’nB’, and Expedia

Doggie Pubs website has a searchable list of dog friendly pubs and inns across the UK with ratings from customers.

National Trust and English Heritage have dog-friendly places to visit and places to stay.

You can find a list of dog friendly places to stay in Newcastle on

If you want to take your pet abroad, the Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) is a system that allows dogs, cats and ferrets into EU countries without the need for quarantine. Contact the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) for more information.

Other useful organisations

Last updated: January 10, 2025