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Newcastle City Council
Provided by Newcastle City Council, Adult Social Care and Integrated Services
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Asian Men’s Gup Shup

Date: Monday 11 Dec 2023

Other dates are available

Time: 10.30 am - 12.00 pm

Cost: Cost varies depending on choice of food.

This event is now finished. Please visit our Events and Activities section to find out about other events which are coming soon.

A social group for Asian men where you can socialise, make friends, and enjoy some food and drinks.

Would you like to know more? Please contact Search Newcastle on 0191 273 7443.

Last updated: July 28, 2023

Contact details

Search Newcastle





Tel: 0191 273 7443

Tel: 0191 273 7443

Venue details

Venue address:
Cha Cha Chai
452 Westgate Road

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