
InformationNOW is the information website for people in Newcastle where you can find local information, organisations, events and activities.

Helping you stay informed, make choices, be independent and have an excellent quality of life. You can browse our information by category, organisation or by searching the website. Read more About Us.

There’s lots of ways you can use and support InformationNOW:

  • InfoNOW News subscribe to our fortnightly newsletter.
  • Organisations log in and update your details anytime.
  • NetworkNOW our city wide prevention, information and advice network for people working or volunteering in Newcastle
  • Accessibility have InformationNOW read aloud or translated into other languages

Find out more about how you can share information with others:

InformationNOW is provided by Newcastle City Council Adult Social Care and Prevention and jointly funded by the NHS North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board.