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Last updated: March 8, 2024
The Newcastle Drug and Alcohol Service User and Carer Forums is for adults who are affected by drug and alcohol use and their carers.
Newcastle User Carer Forum is for people who support someone in Newcastle who uses drugs, alcohol or both. At the forum you can help to improve a treatment and recovery services in Newcastle. you can talk about your experiences and get your voice heard. You can chat to other carers and raise any issues that you have. The forum meets 4 times a year at different venues across the city.
The Newcastle Service User and Carer Forum is for service users, carers of people who are in and out of treatment and the recovery community. The forums are an opportunity to chat and to raise any issues that you may have. It also provides a supportive place for peer led activities, training, volunteer opportunities, advocacy, and mentoring. The forum meets every 2 weeks from 12pm until 2pm at ReCoCO: The Recovery College
Your feedback can help to improve treatment and recovery services in Newcastle. Contact them to attend the forum or for more information
Last updated: March 8, 2024