North East Ambulance Service (NEAS)
North East Ambulance Service (NEAS) provide ambulances in emergency situations across the North East. They also run the: Accident & Emergency 999 service, NHS 111 service and patient ambulance transport to get you to a clinic.
When you call 999 in an emergency or NHS 111 for help the call handler will ask you questions to find out what you need. In an:
- urgent but not life threatening situation a professional will call you to discuss your symptoms and offer advice. They may offer you an appointment at an urgent treatment centre.
- emergency, they will send an ambulance to you or advise you to go to Accident and Emergency (A&E).
The Patient Transport Service provides pre arranged ambulance transport for patients with a medical condition and can’t make their own way to hospital for an appointment or need extra care on the journey. See their website for more details on how to book. To cancel transport use their freephone telephone number below.
In an emergency when someone’s life is in danger call 999 to speak to emergency services. If you are need a translator say the language you need when you call. Or if you are deaf or hard of hearing you can use the emergency SMS text messaging service or BSL videos calls