Northumbria Police

Northumbria Police are the local emergency police service in Newcastle. If you are the victim of crime, including hate crime or have witnessed any non-emergency incident in the Northumbria Police area report it online.  If it can’t be reported online call 101.

If a crime is being committed or you are in danger. Call 999.

You can:

  • sign up for text and email alerts for more information about crime in your local area and safety advice
  • Tell us something online service is available to report anti social behaviour, abuse, suspicious behaviour, traffic incidents, information that may help with an investigation or non-compliance with coronavirus instructions
  • crime prevention advice is also available
  • people who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired use the textphone number
  • Register for Relay UK emergency text message service for people who are deaf or hard of hearing so you can text 999 in an emergency