
TerraCycle is a waste management company with a mission to remove and cut out waste. They collect and repurpose hard to recycle waste that isn’t collected and recycled by local Councils. While even complex rubbish is technically recyclable, most materials are not profitable to recycle.

They collect and recycle hard to recycle waste such as coffee capsules, crisp packets and toothbrushes. As these are not recyclable through traditional methods, they offer solutions through free recycling programmes (see second website link) and the paid-for Zero Waste Boxes™. An example of hard to recycle is rubber which they collect and it is generally cryo-milled to freeze, then size-reduced into a powdered state for flooring applications.

A Zero Waste Box is a complete and convenient paid for solution which includes the storage, shipping and recycling of a particular type of waste that isn’t currently recycled through local councils or traditional recycling facilities. Boxes range from contact lenses, plastic packaging, vitamin bottles, crisp packets, vinyls, CDs and VHS cassettes as well as an all in one option.

You could use these boxes:

  • as a household
  • at school
  • at work

Homes or businesses may be part of the free recycling drop off scheme. Check what each location accepts.  Free recycling Drop Off Network in Newcastle and North East