InfoNOW News 16 February 2024

InfoNOW News 16 February 2024

Ageism action day

March 20 2024

Are you planning an event for Ageism Action day? Let us know at InformationNOW, as we will be sharing a full list of all events activities happening in Newcastle

Ageism Action Day is supported by Centre for Ageing Better. This year the Action Day theme will be ‘See and be seen’ and is all about challenging the negative way ageing is represented in society.

You can add your event to our InfoNOW events calendar using our: Add your event form here or you can Email us at [email protected]

Read more on InformationNOW about Older People’s Forums in Newcastle 

Radio Tyneside at Neighbourhood networks

InformationNOW invited Radio Tyneside to join the North Newcastle Neighbourhoods Network on 7 February 2024 to meet some of the attendees, talk to the Community Wellbeing Officers from the neighbourhoods team and find out more about the events.

You can listen to this radio episode on Radio Tyneside Listen Again’s Shows on Mixcloud

Listen to hear more from:
Newcastle Neighbourhood Community wellbeing team
Kenton Park Sports centre

Andy’s Man Club

You can contact the Newcastle Neighbourhoods team at: [email protected] 

Read more on InformationNOW about Community Centres and Hubs

Newcastle 2045 events

Drop in to a face to face session to discuss how you see the future of Newcastle. There are sessions held throughout the city over the next few weeks, where you can learn about the Newcastle plan  and share what you think Newcastle should be like in 2045. You can find out more about how how these events will feed into a Newcastle Local Plan 

Tuesday 20 February 2024, 1pm to 3pm
Newcastle 2045 Plan (Heaton Baptist Church)

Thursday 29 February 2024, 3pm to 6:30pm
Newcastle 2045 Plan (Great Park Community Centre)

Monday 26 February 2024, 1pm to 3pm
Newcastle 2045 Plan (St Silas Church)

Friday 1 March 2024 10am to 12pm
Newcastle 2045 Plan (Jesmond Library)

There are also two family-focused drop-in events in the Grainger Market Arcade next week on

  • Tuesday 20 February 12pm to 4pm
  • Friday 23 February 10am to 2pm

A local artist will provide creative activities for children, young people and those of all ages, to express their ideas and have a bit of fun at these drop in family events.

Read more on about The Newcastle Plan

Cost of living payments

People on means-tested benefits will receive the third of 3 Cost of Living Payments
The first 2023 payment of £301 was paid between 25 April and 17 May, the second payment of £300 was paid between 31 October and 19 November and the third payment of £299 will be paid between 6 and 22 February.

The Cost of Living Payment will be paid automatically, meaning you dont need to apply or contact the DWP or HMRC. It will be paid separately to benefit payments and the reference will appear in accounts with the account holder’s National Insurance number and ‘DWP COL’. For tax credit-only customers, the reference will appear in accounts as ‘HMRC COLS’, referencing Cost of Living Support.

You can click here to get Cost of living payment information in Easy read and British Sign Language

Read more on about Newcastle City Councils cost of living support

Make sure your child is protected from Measles

NHS North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board are asking all parents, carers and guardians to make sure their children are up to date with their 2 measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccinations.
There has been a rise in recent years in measles cases. According to data from the UK Health Security Agency, there were 1,603 suspected cases in England and Wales in 2023, compared with 735 the previous year.

Measles is spread easily between people. Symptoms include:

  • high fever
  • sore, red, watery eyes
  • coughing
  • aching and feeling generally unwell
  • a blotchy red brown rash, which usually appears after the initial symptoms.

If you think you haven’t had your child vaccinated yet, or they are not up to date with their MMR vaccinations, please contact your local GP practice to check or to book an appointment.

The UK Health Security Agency has created leaflets in the following languages: Arabic, Czech, Dari,, Farsi, Pashto, Polish, Romanian, Spanish and Ukrainian.

Read more on InformationNOW about Baby, children and young people’s health

Helping out in a local emergency or incident

Do you manage a building, or know of a community space that might open its doors in the event of a local emergency or incident? If so, then Newcastle City Council’s Resilience Team would like to hear from you.

Responding to and recovering from incidents is carried out first and foremost at the local level. In Newcastle we are keen to develop the local network of venues we already have. Venues are at the heart of communities and residents will want to go to places they are familiar with.

There are different types of what are called ‘Emergency Assistance Centres’ and what is involved in each will be explained. If you are interested in knowing more, please email [email protected]

Read more on InformationNOW about Ways to report crime and community safety issues

Haref Ramadan Calendar

Haref have produced online and printed Ramadan prayer calendars with safe fasting messages linked to diabetes and glaucoma For Ramadan 2024,

Please click to open and then download:

If you would like a printed Ramadan calendar for your workplace, You can contact [email protected], or call 0191 235 7002

Read more on InformationNOW about Religious and cultural festivals

Refugee Women and Work

The first careers event run by Work and Thrive Newcastle’s ESOL Service. The event is for women with refugee status and the right to work.

Timed to coincide with International Women’s Day, Refugee Women and Work is a careers event for women with refugee status/lived experience. Featuring a number of local and regional employers, careers advisers and organisations working to improve employment, volunteering and training prospects, we hope this will prove to be a positive and empowering afternoon.

For further information, please contact [email protected] or [email protected]

Book a space on InformationNOW 

Read more on InformationNOW about Support for Asylum Seekers and Refugees

What is a volunteering health check and the benefits to you?

Wednesday 20 March 2024, 10am to 12pm, One Strawberry Lane, NE1 4BX

What is a volunteering health check – and the benefits to you? A collaborative session for volunteer coordinators.
Volunteer centre Newcastle’s organisational health check is a new tool that offers a comprehensive review of your organisation’s volunteer programme. It can help you to:

  • engage more volunteers as part of your organisation’s work.
  • make volunteering more accessible.
  • have less volunteer turnover and better commitment of your volunteers.
  • hear good practice from those who have done it before.

This networking forum, run by Volunteer Centre Newcastle and Connected Voice, is an opportunity for you to access the new organisational health check and complete it in a group-based session, benefiting from the insights of others in the sector.
The session will be interactive, with guided group-based discussion and networking opportunities with other VCSE organisations. At the end of the session, you will leave with an action plan and the opportunity for free, 1-to-1 follow up support from Connected Voice and Volunteer Centre Newcastle

Register for the event here

Read more on InformationNOW about volunteering

Newcastle Gateshead VCSE Health and Wellbeing Network

Tuesday 19 March 2024, 1pm to 3:30pm  One Strawberry Lane, Newcastle, NE1 4BX

Join a new regular networking event from Connected Voice on the theme of health and wellbeing. This will include up-to-date information about health service delivery and the wider regional VCSE involvement structure.

At this session there will be updates from

There will also be a scoping exercise to establish what priorities attendees feel are the most important to focus on in future Health and Wellbeing events.

Sign up for the event on Connected Voice’s website here

For more information, email [email protected]

Read more on InformationNOW about NHS Integrated Care systems

Networks in Action: Progressive Solutions and Systems Change

Tuesday 12 March 2024, 9:30am to 4:30pm, Newcastle Civic Centre

Join an interactive networking event to connect and collaborate with colleagues, find improved ways of learning and working together; In order to alleviate the challenges that people who experience multiple and severe forms of disadvantage face. The event is co-ordinated by People@TheHeart Gateshead and Building Bridges Newcastle

Speakers at this event include:

  • Dr Monique Lhussier, Professor in Public Health and Wellbeing and Director, Centre for Health and Social Equity (CHASE), Northumbria University.
  • John Hamblin, CEO of Shekinah and one of the founding members of the Plymouth Alliance.
  • Katie Fleeman, Homelessness Lead for the Liverpool Combined Authority, coordinating provision across 6 local authorities.
  • Sam Kammerling, Co-Director of Mokita Learning

Sessions will include:

  • Presentations and Q&A sessions with systems change leaders from across sectors.
  • Guided networking sessions to share challenges, resources, and dialogue.
  • Interactive workshops focused on finding creative, collaborative solutions.
  • Conversations about promoting innovation in Newcastle and Gateshead.

The event will be of particular interest to people who have lived experience of or work / volunteer to support homelessness, drug and alcohol use, mental ill health, domestic abuse and other forms of multiple and severe disadvantages.

Register your place at Networks In Action: Inspiring Solutions and Systems Change in a Complex World here

If you have any questions please get in touch with:
1) [email protected] and/or
2) [email protected]

Read more on InformationNOW about HomelessnessMental HealthDomestic abuse

Community Partnership Fund phase 2

Deadline Wednesday 13 March 2024

Community organisations in Newcastle’s Outer West and North are gearing up for another round of support as the Local Community Partnership Fund opens for the second phase of grant applications.
There is a total pot of approximately £420,000 available for grants in phase 2.
Community projects in Brunswick Village, Havannah Park, Oakwood Grange, and Newbiggin Hall – or projects that offer capacity building support to Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations within these communities are particularly welcomed.

You can find out more on CommonPlace

You can apply to the Community partnership fund here

Read more on InformationNOW about Get involved in your community

Child Poverty Network Meeting

Wednesday 28 February, 1pm – 3pm, Brewin Dolphin Offices, Newcastle

The North East Youth Alliance Child Poverty Network is a regional youth sector stakeholder network, closely aligned with the North East Child Poverty Commission and sharing the belief that ending child poverty in the region is worth working for together.
This session will build on discussions that took place last year to establish a youth sector focussed Child Poverty Network. It will focus on agreeing Terms of Reference for the network and future development of an agreed action plan of activity for the network in 2024.

You can register a place at the meeting on EventBrite here

Read more on InformationNOW about support for people and families on low incomes

Community greening and gardening workshop

Monday 26 February 2024, 5.30pm, St Teresa’s Church Hall, Heaton

Are you a resident in the East End interested in greening your area? Or part of a community group that has space to host a local allotment or parklet?

You can join a Community Gardening Workshop, where you will hear from speakers with experience in community-led gardening, before taking part in a workshop where we explore a local vision for community growing in East Newcastle.

This workshop is part of the Newcastle East – Inclusive, Healthy, Vibrant High Streets project.

Read more and book a space on InformationNOW 

Have your say on NENC research and innovation strategy

NHS North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (NHS NENC ICB) has formed a partnership with some of the region’s research and innovation partners – NIHR Applied Research Collaboration; the North of England Commissioning Support Unit; NIHR Clinical Research Network and Health Innovation North East and North Cumbria, to consider how collectively everyone can increase the impact of research and innovation across the region.

You can read the draft Research and Innovation Strategy for the NHS NENC ICB here

You can have your say using the survey found here

Read more on InformationNOW about getting involved in research

New SEND school Consultation

Deadline Wednesday 13 March 2024.

Newcastle City Council has launched a consultation on proposals to establish a new Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) school in the city for children with autism.

It is proposed that the new school will have capacity for around 200 children and young people aged 4 -16 years with a range of abilities and differences associated with autism. All of the pupils will have an Education, Health and Care Plan and a primary need of autism.

The route to establishing a new school is to follow the DfE’s Free School Presumption process to appoint a multi-academy trust (MAT) to run the school. This consultation is the first stage of that process.

You can read more about the proposal and respond to the consultation here.

If you have any difficulty accessing the consultation documents or have any queries, please contact: [email protected]

Read more on Newcastle Support Directory about SEND Local Offer

Dental treatment and Health and social care surveys

Healthwatch Newcastle and Healthwatch Gateshead want to know more about your experiences of health and social care and accessing dental treatment. You can share your experiences using their online surveys.

Share your views in the annual survey of people’s views of health and social care in Gateshead and Newcastle here

Share your views on accessing dental treatment in the North East and North Cumbria here

Once the surveys are completed, they will be sharing the results with our NHS colleagues, to help influence and improve the delivery of health and social care services in our communities. The findings will also be published on their Newcastle and Gateshead websites.

For queries or more information about the surveys, please contact: [email protected]

Read more on Newcastle Support Directory about having your say about Health

Careers drop in at Byker Sands

19 February 2024,  1:30pm to 4:30pm, Byker Sands Family centre

Newcastle Careers Team are holding careers advice drop in sessions offering advice about careers, jobs, apprenticeship vacancies, applicattions, training opportunities and study options.
Every Monday afternoon at Byker Sands Family centre for young people aged 16-19 years old.

Read more and book a place on InformationNOW 

Brunswick Club 2024 programme

The Brunswick Club have released their Spring to summer 2024 programme. You can view their Spring/Summer 2024 programme here.

The Brunswick club welcomes speakers talking on a wide range of topics. Meetings are held in the Brunswick Church Hall on Tuesdays, 10:30am to 12pm.

There is no charge for first time visitors to the Brunswick club.

Read more on InformationNOW about The Brunswick Club

The Ouseburn: challenges and solutions

Thursday 29  February, 6pm to 7:15pm, Ouseburn farm

Dr David Werner discusses his work in exploring the health of the Ouseburn, what can be done to improve the water quality and what the future holds.

This event if free and open for all to attend as part of the Wild Ouseburn project, a collaboration between the Ouseburn Trust, Ouseburn Farm and Wild Intrigue.

Join to listen to future plans, ask questions and share your views on challenges and solutions to improving the environmental health of the Ouseburn river.

Register a place on Wild Intrigue’s website here

Read more on InformationNOW about natural spaces

Twinkle Twinkle Arti Event

28 February 2024,  2pm to 4:30pm City Library, NE1 8AX

Joint book launch event for “Step into the Light” anthology on addiction and recovery as well as “Twinkle Twinkle Arti” a children’s book supporting conversations about parental substance abuse.

There will be readings, short presentations about the work and readings from the books.

Following this there will be time for a networking and opportunities to get involved in discussions about working with users, families and children. Both projects are part of ongoing research with future opportunities to get involved in research developments and activities, so come along, have some cake, listen to interesting conversations and network with people

You can download a digital PDF copy of Twinkle Twinkle Arti here

Read more on InformationNOW about Addictions

State of Ageing report 2023-2024

Half a century of progress in reducing levels of pensioner poverty is under significant threat of reversal suggests the Centre for Ageing Better’s State of Ageing report 23-24
2.1 million pensioners in the UK have an income that is less than 60%
among UK adults, people aged 60-64 now have the highest rate of relative poverty (25%).

Read the Summary report here
Read the full report sections and data here

Read more on InformationNOW about Planning ahead for later life

Social Housing Waiting Times Tool

Newcastle is facing a real challenge in terms of a falling supply of social housing and increased demand for accommodation.

The Social Housing Waiting Times Tool can be used to help you find out the average waiting times for properties in the city. Use the waiting times tool on Newcastle Homes here

The current waiting times for people bidding on Newcastle Homes was up 3 weeks for all bands: including an average wait of 11 weeks for people in Band A (immediate danger of serious risk or harm)  28 weeks for Band B (urgent need)​ 48 weeks for Band C (medium need) and an average wait of 64 weeks for people in Band D (general need).

You can find help on how to use the waiting times tool on Newcastle Homes website here

You can personalise your search based on priority banding and household size. The tool doesn’t take into account people with specific needs such as adaptations, who can expect to wait longer.

Read more on InformationNOW about Housing for older people

Your Equipment Newcastle

Your Equipment Newcastle is an easy to use website that helps you find and buy equipment to improve your daily living in just 3 steps:

  1. Choose a topic
  2. Answer some questions
  3. Get a personal report and advice from occupational therapists on products that might help

Read more on InformationNOW about Your Equipment Newcastle

Digital discovery at any age webinar

Wednesday 28 February 2024, 1pm to 2pm, Online

AbilityNet  are hosting a free webinar: Digital discovery at any age: your guide to the online world with BT Group and Amazon.
This webinar shares helpful tips on understanding and navigating the digital world, including AI (Artificial Intelligence) and devices like Amazon Alexa and more!

You can register for this webinar on their website here

Read more on InformationNOW about digital support and computer classes

Family shipbuilding challenge

Tuesday 20 February 2024, 10:15am, Discovery Museum

The Discovery Museum have a family challenge inspired by the North East’s shipbuilding heritage.
As a family or a group you’ll experiment to see which materials and shapes will float the best, before designing and building your own ship. You’ll get to test your design in the ship tank

Read more on InformationNOW and book a space for Family Shipbuilding Challenge

Meet The Elders Council: North Newcastle

Wednesday 21 February 2024, 12pm, Kenton Park sports centre

An informal friendly meet up for people thinking about joining The Elders council, or anyone who just wants to catch up. You can meet Tim, Clare and Gill from the Elders Council and find out more about their activities.

Read more on InformationNOW about this event

Half term Byker Lunch Club

19, 21, 23 February 2024, 12:15pm, St Silas Church, Byker

MINE – Mission Initiative Newcastle East are holding a free Lunch club for all during half term with family activities, crafts and games across 3 days next week.
The Discovery Museum have a family challenge inspired by the North East’s shipbuilding heritage.
As a family or a group you’ll experiment to see which materials and shapes will float the best, before designing and building your own ship. You’ll get to test your design in the ship tank

Read more on InformationNOW about free and cheap food

Home/Lands Chronicles

Friday 23 February 2024, Sunnybank Centre

Share your stories of Home and what it means to belong with musicians Alicia and Faye. They will join together community stories to make music for and about the Pendower community.

Read more on InformationNOW about Home/Lands Chronicles 

ClassicsFest 2024 and NU Ideas

The Lit & Phil, 23 Westgate Road NE1 1SE

NU Ideas at the Lit and Phil is a monthly programme which features free themed pairs of 25 minute talks from Northumbria University researchers. The unusual topics range across areas of science, technology, engineering.
Upcoming NU Ideas include:

Thursday 29 February 2024, 6pm
Ancient Bolivian landscape engineering and Roman water infrastructure
What can we learn from how past societies worked with and modified their environment?

Thursday 14 March 2024, 6pm
Wild card Antarctica and Earth’s ice melting; what can we do? 
How does climate change in Antartica affect the North east seas and how does science predict and react to this?

Saturday 9 March 2024, 10am
Classical Mythology in Modern Life: a drop-in session
A ClassicsFest event in collaboration with the School of History, Classics and Archaeology at Newcastle University. Drop in to discuss how Greek and Roman mythology has influenced modern arts, music, cinema, society and politics.

Find more Lit and Phil events on InformationNOW 

Read more on InformationNOW about Museums and attractions in Newcastle

North East Rwandan cultural day

Saturday February 2024, 5pm to 11pm, Marley Hill Community centre, Gateshead,

A day celebrating Rwandan heritage he North East Rwandan Association (NERA-UK), National Association of Rwandan Communities in The United Kingdom (NARC-UK), Ishuri, Keza – Rwandan Cultural Dance Group and Tribe Tesi
Join for dance, music, food, coffee and a showcase of Rwandan artefacts, arts and craftsmanship.
You can also network with those trading with Rwanda through Rwanda Business UK (RBUK)

Read more and book a space on InformationNOW for North East Rwandan Cultural Day 

Work and Thrive central

New Organisation

Previously known as The Skills Hub, Work and Thrive Central is Newcastle’s free one-stop-shop for employment support. They can support you to find a job, fill a vacancy, or make the next step in your career.

Read more on InformationNOW about Work and Thrive Central

Progress NE

New Organisation

Progress NE provides employability skills, benefits advice and social support to people who are neuro-divergent, have learning difficulties and disabilities, or are experiencing poor mental health.

Read more on InformationNOW about Progress NE

Wor Hoose Project

Updated Organisation

Wor Hoose is a neighbourhood project providing a range of services and activities for anyone to access, located in Walker.

Wor Hoose is also a Wellbeing Hub

Read more on InformationNOW about Wor Hoose


Updated Organisation

Updated with information on new features such as waiting times tool.
The NHS app allows you to access your health information, manage appointments, prescriptions and more using a tablet, smartphone or web browser.

Read more on InformationNOW about NHS App

Pets and animals

Updated article. Updated to reflect microchip laws in 2024.

Information on what to consider before getting a pet, where you can find support and animal friendly venues.

Read more on InformationNOW about pets and animals

Support for asylum seekers and refugees

Updated article.

Newcastle is a recognised City of Sanctuary, and Newcastle council is a council of sanctuary. There are many local services that support both asylum seekers and refugees in Newcastle.

Updated with the 9 Tyne and wear archives and museums (TWAM) museum and gallery venues that have been given museum of sanctuary status. This means they are a safe space for refugees and asylum seekers to visit, and can provide activities, signposting and support. They also run the Multaka volunteering project

Read more on InformationNOW about Support for Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Last updated: February 16, 2024