Information Now
Newcastle City Council
Provided by Newcastle City Council, Adult Social Care and Integrated Services
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Looking for a warm place to spend time and get support in Newcastle?
Wellbeing Hubs are warm welcoming local venues, such as libraries and community centres where you can spend time and get support such as hot drinks, free wifi, a place to charge your devices, information, advice and more. You can use our Wellbeing Hub finder to find your nearest hub.

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Why register?

InformationNOW is a free service for people living and working in Newcastle. It’s part of the Prevention, Information and Advice service provided by Newcastle City Council and funded by the Integrated Care Board (ICB) for the North East and North Cumbria (NENC).

When registered you can 

  • save your favourite pages, organisations and events
  • visit and share your saved pages
  • keep up to date with what’s happening in Newcastle InfoNOW News

Organisations can

  • update your details to help signpost people in Newcastle to your service
  • promote your news and events in InfoNOW News
  • save your favourite events, so they can be printed in a handy table for display
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