Better Days

Better Days is a user-led organisation of adults with learning disabilities who aim to bring down barriers that people with learning disabilities have to face when getting out and about in the North East.  Better Days come up with projects to address these barriers. This includes:

  • delivering training, for instance to police cadets so that they are more aware of the impact of a learning disability on behavior and understanding; training in awareness of hate crime
  • doing access audits,
  • campaigning about hate crime and accessible transport,
  • running taster activities and
  • leading on the Safe Places scheme in Newcastle so that people with a learning disability feel safe when using leisure facilities

In addition they offer activities for users:

  • cycling at different levels of achievement
  • golf
  • curling
  • tennis; and a
  • tidying gardens scheme

They support their members to attend conferences, meetings, outings and City Council activities such as the New Year’s Eve parade.