Out of Hours Dental Emergency and Advisory Service
The Out of Hours Dental Emergency and Advisory Service provides advice and / or dental treatment to people outside of normal opening hours. Contact NHS 111 to access the service.
Depending on the nature of the problem, advice may be given on how to manage the condition or, if it’s necessary by the dentist on call, urgent care or emergency dental care may be provided.
Emergency dental care for the following conditions will be given within 3 hours of the dentist receiving the call.
- dental trauma
- dental haemorrhage
- increasing dental swelling/airway threatening swelling
Urgent treatment may be provided in some is the person’s condition is likely to worsen or is in severe pain. For example;
- broken fillings
- loose crowns
- toothache
- sore mouth/oral ulceration
- denture repairs/eases
- pericoronitis
- dental infection
- acute periodontal conditions (eg. Acute Ulcerative Gingivitis)