Keeping cool in Summer

During the summer the warmer days can be fun. But as the temperate rises, the heat can become very uncomfortable. For children, older people, or people with chronic health conditions, the hot weather can be dangerous and potentially fatal.

You can read more health advice from the NHS in their booklet Looking after yourself and others during hot weather.

What to do to stay cool

The hottest part of the day is between 11am and 3pm.  Keep cool and:

  • stay out of the sun
  • avoid strenuous activity, such as gardening or carrying heavy shopping bag
  • stay in the shade
  • wear a high factor sunscreen, a hat and loose-fitting clothes
  • drink water regularly
  • avoid tea, coffee and alcohol. It is important to drink even if you don’t feel thirsty to avoid dehydration
  • take cool showers or baths to stop your body temperature from getting too high, or splash yourself with cold water
  • eat as normal. Cold foods such as salad and fruit help.
  • eat water rich foods like cucumber, melon and strawberries to help keep hydrated

When indoors you can stay cool by:

  • closing your curtains to keep some of the heat out
  • keeping windows closed when the room is cool. Open them when it gets hotter and at night for ventilation
  • opening your loft hatch to help cool your house
  • staying in the coolest rooms in the house
  • use an electric fan to cool the air. Place a bowl of ice cubes in front of the fan (away from the electrics) for the air to blow over, to cool the room
  • fill a hot water bottle with cold water and ice to cool yourself
  • use a damp towel or face cloth to cool

What is heat exhaustion?

If your body becomes overheated and dehydrated you may suffer from heat exhaustion. Symptoms include:

  • headaches
  • nausea and vomiting
  • dizziness
  • muscle weakness or cramps
  • pale skin
  • and a high temperature

If you or someone you know experience any of these symptoms, follow these 5 steps:

  1. Move them to a cool place.
  2. Remove all unnecessary clothing like a jacket or socks.
  3. Get them to drink a sports or rehydration drink, or cool water.
  4. Cool their skin – spray or sponge them with cool water and fan them. Cold packs, wrapped in a cloth and put under the armpits or on the neck are good too.
  5. Stay with them (or have someone stay with you) until better.

If heat exhaustion is not recognised and treated, it could lead to heatstroke, which can be fatal.

If you are worried that you or someone else may be suffering from heat-related problems, you should contact NHS 111 for advice or visit the NHS.UK. In an emergency, call 999.

Heatwave advice

Read more from

Health advice

If you’re feeling unwell you can contact:

Your doctor or GP

NHS 111 the free telephone service open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, where you can get medical help and advice quickly. It’s available when you can’t get to the doctor or don’t know where to seek help. In a medical emergency always call 999.

NHS.UK  is a website providing health and medical advice, an online symptom checker and a facility for searching for services near you.

Urgent Treatment Centres

Please note – The content on this website is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. If you are feeling unwell, make an appointment to see your GP or contact NHS 111. In an emergency, dial 999.

Last updated: June 15, 2023