Priority Services Register

The Priority Services Register (PSR) is a free service. They provide extra energy advice and support to people who have health, communication, access or safety needs. This includes help with your electricity, gas and water supply. You could get extra help such as:

  • updates on power cuts or planned electricity and gas switch off
  • a dedicated priority services phoneline
  • emergency power, water, gas and heating if needed
  • information in other formats such as Large Print, Braille, textphone, audio or a language other than English
  • you can nominate a person for them to contact, such as family, friends or a carer to help on your behalf
  • you can create a password or code word for energy company visitors to use to identify them.
  • they can read and submit your meter readings, if you need help to do so

You can register on the PSR if you:

  • use medical equipment that relies on electricity or water
  • live with children under the age of 5
  • are blind or partially sighted
  • are deaf or hard of hearing
  • have a chronic illness
  • have a mental health condition
  • temporarily need extra help or support
  • have a disability
  • are of pension age
  • have a loss or an impairment of smell
  • need documents translated into other formats or languages

You can use their website to find out who provides the PSR in your area. By telling the PSR once, they update your PSR request with your energy supplier (the company you pay your bills to) and your regional network companies including electricity, gas and water.

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