Contact details
Organisation Type: Newcastle City Council
Main Telephone: 0191 277 2355
Last updated: November 2, 2023
The Mental Health Social Work Team is part of Newcastle Adult Services. They help adults with a mental health diagnosis who are open to secondary care (for example, people who have a community psychiatrist) and their carers. They can:
The team has a statutory (legal) duty to assess people who are acutely unwell, for assessment under the Mental Health Act (MHA). This team is made up of specially trained social workers called Approved Mental Health Professionals ( AMHPs).
If you are a relative of someone requiring an urgent assessment you should, in the first instance, tell the person’s GP or Community Mental Health Team. You may have rights as the person’s ‘Nearest Relative’ to request that an assessment under the MHA be considered by an AMHP. Call them for advice.
Organisation Type: Newcastle City Council
Main Telephone: 0191 277 2355
Last updated: November 2, 2023