Mental Health

Mental health is about how we think, feel and behave. 1 in 4 people in the UK have a mental health problem which affects their normal daily life, relationships or physical health.

Looking after your mental health and wellbeing

Life can be busy and chaotic. It’s important to look after your health mentally, physically and emotionally to be able to enjoy life and to help you cope when times are hard. There are many ways you can take time for yourself and develop your ’emotional resilience’ including:

Talking to others about your feelings: being connected to people helps. Call a friend, family member, a telephone helpline or visit a local support group. Ask for help from your GP when your need it. Attend a counselling session. Find local organisations on the right hand of this page.

Practising mindfulness: to help you to pay attention to your thoughts, sensations and feelings in a non-judgemental way. Mindfulness is the opposite of being on autopilot and enables you to take control of your mind rather than allowing your mind to be in control of you.

Keeping your brain active: helps to keep your memory in shape and boost your happiness levels.

Being active: exercising helps to boost your natural happiness hormones. It’s also a way to connect with new people.

Gardening and nature: are good for calming and soothing the mind.

Try something new or something you enjoy: taking part in an activity you enjoy will help boost your confidence. Or learn some new skills and try a new hobby.

Take some time for yourself: take a break if you need it, a change of scenery,  listen to some music, read a book or you could try a complementary therapies

Eat and drink sensibly: in times of stress or upset we may turn to the food or drink to comfort us or try to change how we feel. Your mind and body need a balanced diet to work well.

Try relaxation techniques: listen to these free guides can or read the free mental health guides

Take care of other worries that you have: they drain you of your energy and wellbeing. Local support is available to help with money or debt worries, addictions, looking for work, threat of homelessness, family or relationship problems, and being a carer.

Symptoms of poor mental health

There are a wide range of mental health symptoms. They can affect anyone, regardless of age, race, gender or social background.

Symptoms can include:

  • feeling sad, anxious, angry or irritable
  • losing interest or enjoyment in things
  • crying a lot or unable to cry
  • feeling lonely even in company
  • worrying a lot about your health despite reassurance from a GP
  • uncontrollable and unhealthy eating habits
  • poor sleeping pattern
  • social anxiety, low self-esteem, as well as low mood, often related to significant life events including bereavement and loss, loss of employment or inability to participate in meaningful activity.

Without care and treatment, mental health symptoms can have a serious effect on you and the people around you. There are many ways to look after your mental health.

Causes of mental health problems

There is no single cause of mental health problems. Everyone is different. Mental health problems can develop after difficult life events, such as, moving house, losing your job, relationship breakdown or the death of someone special. You may find your mental health is effected if you are:

There is help and support available

What to do in a mental health crisis or emergency

If you are in mental health distress and need urgent help. Or you are worried about the safety of yourself or someone else. You can contact:

Call NHS 111 and select option 2 if you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis. NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Trained staff ask you a series of questions to understand your problem. They can then arrange for a clinician to call you, or offer support and advice over the phone. They can transfer you to the emergency services if needed

CNTW Crisis Resolution at home team NHS (CRHT) available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They offer assessment and home treatment as an alternative to hospital admission, for people over 16 experiencing a mental health crisis

Adult Social Care at Newcastle City Council for advice, safeguarding and emergency support

Northumbria Police call 999 if someone is in immediate danger

Read more on Mental health emergency or crisis services on InformationNOW. 

Get help with mental health problems

When experiencing mental health problems you should speak to your doctor or GP

There are many treatment options including:

  • counselling and cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) a type of talking therapy that allows you to talk about your problems and feelings. It’s confidential. Read more about local support below
  • support groups where you can attend regular meetings to talk to others who are going through the same issues as you
  • online support can help if you can’t attend face to face meetings or need to talk to someone urgently
  • telephone and text messaging helplines are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It’s confidential. They will listen to you.
  • self help: You can download free NHS mental health self help guides
  • debt advice putting plans in place to manage your debt or when struggling to pay bills may help
  • medication is used to treat conditions such as schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Sometimes medications are used alongside talking therapies. Speak to you GP to discuss this
  • psychotherapy usually involves talking to a trained therapist or specialist, either one-to-one, in a group or with your partner
  • complementary therapies range from acupuncture and homeopathy to aromatherapy, meditation and colonic irrigation.

Mental Health Social Work Team at Newcastle City Council helps adults with a mental health diagnosis who receive secondary care (for example, people who have a community psychiatrist) and their carers. They can give information and help plan support. If you are a relative of someone who needs an urgent mental health assessment you should tell the person’s GP or Community Mental Health Team. You may have rights as the person’s ‘Nearest Relative’ to ask for an assessment under the Mental Health Act. Call them for advice.

5 steps to mental wellbeing

Evidence suggests there are five steps we can all take to improve our mental wellbeing.

  1. Connect with people around you: Talk to family, friends, colleagues or join a group to make new friends.
  2. Be active: Take a walk, go cycling or play a game of football. Find an activity you enjoy and incorporate it into your life.
  3. Keep learning – learning new skills can give you a sense of achievement and boost self-esteem. Join a course, learn a new still or rediscover an old hobby.
  4. Give to others – even if it is a smile or a kind word, volunteer in your local community.
  5. Be mindful – be aware of the present moment, including thoughts and feelings and the world around you.

You can find out more about the 5 steps on

Local information, advice and support

Counselling services

NHS Talking Therapies is a free short term talking therapy service for people over the age of 16, living in Newcastle. Talking therapy can help you to improve your mental wellbeing. If you’re facing depression, anxiety, excessive worry or low mood, you can get help quickly. You can contact them directly to make an appointment or speak to your doctor. This is also known as the IAPT service (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies).

A Time 2 Talk offers counselling to support individuals who are facing the impact of life changing events that can result in: anxiety, depression, stress, loss of employment, adjusting to new way of living, loss of living independently, moving to sheltered accommodation, mobility loss, sight impairment, relying on others for care. They can support individuals, their carers, partners, family members and friends.

North East Counselling Services delivers counselling services to carers and veterans across the North East.

Tyneside and Northumberland Mind run weekly Safe Space sessions at Brunswick Methodist Church on Tuesday afternoons. You can take part in facilitated group discussions, workshops and activities to help you to learn how to effectively manage your own mental health and get more control over your life. They also offer counselling and wellbeing sessions. Their telephone helpline is open 7 days a week.

EveryTurn Mental Health provide supported accommodation, day services and rehabilitation services for people with complex and enduring mental health problems as well as community support and dementia care services. They run lunch clubs, coffee mornings, leisure activities and mental health support groups.

NIWE eating distress service helps people to increase their understanding of how their emotions influence how they use food.  They support them through a range of sessions to make changes.  NIWE offers counselling, information, guidance, support groups, talks and training

Search Newcastle Talking Therapies Link Worker helps people over the age of 50 who are feeling low, anxious, or overwhelmed. Their Link Worker can help you to use this service. Home visits are available for people who are housebound or have mobility problems.

The British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP) is the professional association for members of the counselling profession in the UK. They have a register of private counsellors and therapists. You can search this list to find an accredited counsellor or therapist who has met the required standards.

Support groups

ReCoCo: The Recovery College  run peer-led support groups and free educational and creative courses. They are open to anyone who would find them helpful in their recovery from mental illness, substance misuse, trauma or distress

Search Newcastle run the Beyond Blue service to support people over 50 years with their mental health. People taking part in the programme may have recently tried to take their own life, or been feeling suicidal for some time. You can get in-person emotional support and join social groups and activities that are matched to your needs. They will support to develop a path to recovery. Groups are held on weekends.

EveryTurn Mental Health provide local mental health support groups for men, university students, Trans and non binary people. They also run lunch clubs, coffee mornings and leisure activities where you can take part and get support.

Richmond Fellowship support and encourage people with mental health problems, so that they have the knowledge and confidence to make their own choices and manage their condition

Newcastle United Foundation is commissioned by Newcastle City Council to raise awareness about mental health and encourage participation in health and wellbeing programmes

PeerTalk Whitley Bay and Gateshead run free weekly support meetings, where you can talk about your worries and get support from like minded people

Andy’s Man Club are a Peer to Peer support group for any man over 18. They’re a national charity that encourages men to talk when they are struggling.  They have online groups as well as local face to face groups.

Anxious Minds provides free confidential support for all sufferers of anxiety and depression

Read more about support groups on InformationNOW

Online support services

These services are commissioned by North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (NENC ICB) to help you look after your mental health.

Kooth is an online counselling and mental health service. Young people can log on to access self-help materials, goal setting and one-to-one chat sessions with a qualified counsellor 365 days a year.

NHS Talking Therapies offers online treatment options, which are accessible from your smart phone, tablet or computer at home, any time of the day or night.

Telephone support services

Tyneside and Northumberland Mind has a telephone support line which offers listening, practical and emotional support to anyone over 16. It’s open 7 days a week 8am to 10pm.

Mental Health Matters helpline is a confidential out of hours telephone service, which is staffed by trained and experienced telephone helpline workers. The service offers emotional support to anyone calling, including carers, and provides information on local and national mental health services.

SANE line is a national confidential out of hours telephone helpline that offers information, crisis care and emotional support to anybody affected by mental health problems. Interpreters are provided for callers to Saneline through Language Line, a service offering interpretation in over 100 languages.

Samaritans offer confidential listening either on their 24 hour telephone helpline, or face to face without an appointment. Face to face drop-ins are available 9am to 9pm.

Adult Social CarePoint at Newcastle City Council have an Emergency Duty Team (EDT) who are available out of normal office hours for mental health emergencies.

NHS 111 deals with urgent requests that are not a life-threatening emergency.  They have call operators to triage callers and a trained clinical team who will offer support and advice.

Shout is a free text service, on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help. Open 24 hour 7 days a week

Mind have 2 national telephone helplines. Info Line for general information and signposting on mental health issues. Legal Line for information and advice on mental health related law

Self harm

If you are hurting yourself or self harming, help is available. If you’re worried about someone who’s self harming, you can also get help and support.

Read more on InformationNOW about self harm.

Eating disorders

Eating Distress North East offer a confidential service for people experiencing difficulties around food, as well as for their families and professionals. They provide information, advice and signposting, as well as support groups, training and counselling.

Read more about Eating disorders on InformationNOW


An addiction is when you are unable to stop yourself from, taking a chemical, drug, substance or carrying out an activity. Drugs, alcohol and other substances can effect your mental health. There is local support to get and stay sober. Support groups can help you, your family and friends. Find local support on InformationNOW for help with:

Recovery support in the community

Scrogg Road – mental health rehabilitation and crisis flats support people with mental health problems in the community to live as independently as possible. The Rehabilitation and Crisis Flats are provided by Newcastle City council.

You must be referred to the recovery support team to access these, you can be referred by:

  • your GP
  • council staff such as Community Health and Social Care Direct
  • NHS staff such as a Community Psychiatric Nurse

Advocacy – help to get your voice heard

Independent Mental Health Advocates (IMHA) can support someone who is subject to the Mental Health Act, (This may also be known as detained or ‘sectioned’ under the Act).

  • help patients understand information they are given by people involved in their care/treatment
  • help them to talk to the people involved in their care/treatment
  • access information about how the Mental Health Act applies to patient

Connected Voice Advocacy can provide practical support to deal with stress and anxiety that may be caused by not being able to access services or support you need.

Read more about Advocacy support on InformationNOW

Creative activities and complementary therapies

Chilli Studios provide creative based services for people with mental health problems,  to promote social inclusion, encourage social interaction, build resilience, develop skills and ability, enable potential and improve wellbeing.

St Vincent’s Centre Newcastle runs Solace, a Mental health and wellbeing craft group on Thursdays 12.30pm to 3.30pm

Mindfulness is a therapy that helps you to pay attention to your thoughts, sensations and feelings in a non-judgemental way. Mindfulness is the opposite of being on autopilot and enables you to take control of your mind rather than allowing your mind to be in control of you. It can be helpful for people with mild to moderate symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression.

Complementary Therapies such as acupuncture, aromatherapy and reflexology can be used to improve mood and wellbeing.

Converge at Northumbria offer free educational campus-based opportunities to those 18 years and over, in the community who have/ or are experiencing challenges associated with mental health.

Ouseburn Farm has farm animals, a café, orchard, garden, shop, small animal room and much more. They support people with learning difficulties or disabilities, autism or  mental health problems to take part in farming activities and volunteer placements.

Unforgettable Experiences provides older people, their families and carers, with access to arts, culture, heritage and mindfulness to improve mental health and wellbeing, delay dementia, reduce isolation and improve quality of life.


If you look after a friend or family member who has mental health problems and couldn’t manage without your help, you are a carer.

Newcastle Carers provide confidential information and support to adult carers who are looking after someone living in Newcastle. They provide  support groups, complementary therapy and activities for Carers. They can help to make sure you’re claiming all the benefits that you can and able to take a break from caring.

Cultural and faith based Mental Health

Raphael at Jami provide short or long term counselling for Jewish people with emotional or psychological problems including depression, anxiety, loss or bereavement, relationship or family problems, couple counselling.

Inspirited Minds is a Muslim mental health charity that provides support and counselling services for people by trained counsellors and therapists.

Children and Young people

Kooth is an online counselling and mental health service. Young people can log on to access self-help materials, goal setting and one-to-one chat sessions with a qualified counsellor 365 days a year.

US Active works with young people 12 to 25 years old, who have, or are at risk of developing mental health difficulties. They engage young people in a sport or activity of their choice, to help improve their mental health. Being physically activity helps them to feel good, increase their confidence and self-esteem.

Resources you can use

Patient Information Centre have a range of free mental health guides to download and relaxation techniques that can help relieve stress and gain a sense of wellbeing. Available in both male and female voices.The self-help leaflets cover a range of topics such as: abuse, low mood, panic, post natal depression, alcohol, anxiety, eating disorders, controlling anger, stress, self harm and depression, sleep problems, depression in prisoners and post-traumatic stress.

Men’s Health Forum offers a Man MOT. This means you can contact a GP 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Newcastle Libraries run the ‘Reading Well Books on Prescription‘ scheme. The collection provides books available to borrow to help you manage your mental wellbeing. The books deal with issues such as anger, anxiety, fear, panic, worry, assertiveness, confidence, self-esteem, depression, eating disorders, fatigue and pain.

Mental Health in Later Life booklet from Mental Health Foundation  

The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) provides information and hosts a webchat service and a private online forum for men bereaved by suicide.

NHS.UK provides an online symptom checker, health information and links to medical services near you.

Re Think Mental Illness offers advice and support.  They are funded by the Money and Pensions Service to provide access to Mental Health Crisis Breathing Space.  A referral is required from an approved Mental Health Practitioner.

Spice FM Mentally Sound radio show and podcasts

ReCoCo talk to Radio Tyneside about mental health and wellbeing

Self Detective is a website that aims to help you understand yourself better. There are resources for self-development on their website and free regular CPD sessions.

Health and Social Care

Children’s Social Care supports families with children and young people under the age of 18. They work with families to make sure that children and young people are safe, healthy, and have the support they need to grow up happy and well. 

Contact Children and Families Newcastle Early Help Team for more information. They can help your family to stay on track. Being a parent or carer can be a tough job and sometimes we all need a bit of help. You can ask for help with an ongoing problem or get help to prevent one from happening. You don’t need to face challenges on your own. They have hubs in Newcastle where you can help information, help, training and advice:

Adult Social CarePoint at Newcastle City Council help people with care and support needs over the age of 18 in Newcastle. If you already get support from Children’s Social Care your Social Care Team will start to talk to you about moving to Adult Social Care, before you are 18 years old.

NHS Children and Young People’s service (CYPS) is for any child or young person with a mental health issue, a learning disability, experiencing psychosis (hearing and seeing things that are not there) or an eating disorder. They will work with you to support your move to adult mental health services.

Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (CNTW) provides NHS mental health, learning disability and specialist services. They provide day services and community support.

Read more about on InformationNOW about:

Different types of mental health conditions

There is more information about a range of health conditions on InformationNOW.

The Mental Health Foundation has detailed information about many different types of mental health problem which you can find using their A-Z search facility.

Mental Health and the Equality Act

Disability has a special legal meaning under the Equality Act 2010. A person is considered to be disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment which has a ‘substantial and long-term effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’.

Substantial means a large and important effect on your daily life and long-term means if its lasted or is likely to last for at least 12 months or more.

This means that if you have a mental health problem the equality Act may protect you from discrimination, as the definition of disability is focused on how the mental health problem has an impact on your daily life.

Read more on Disability Rights

You can find more useful information about mental health disability under the Equality Act 2010 on Mind’s website

Mental capacity

Some people have difficulties making decisions. This could be due to a mental health problem. There are laws which explain what happens if someone is not able to make decisions about their own care, treatment or finances.

Read more on making decisions and mental capacity on InformationNOW about support available such as, independent mental health advocates.

Please note – The content on this website is provided for general information only and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. If you are feeling unwell, make an appointment to see your GP or contact NHS 111. In an emergency dial 999.

Last updated: January 10, 2025