Living abroad and your benefits

If you are considering moving abroad, it will be important to know about how this may affect any benefits you are receiving, and about the benefits you are entitled to receive while you are living abroad.

Am I eligible for benefits if I live abroad?

This depends upon your circumstances.

To find out which benefits are affected, who can get them and what to do next, visit

What benefits may I receive if I live abroad?

Age UK  has further information about claiming benefits when moving abroad.

What benefits may I receive if I am moving back to the UK?

Gov UK has further information on moving back to the UK. For more information please visit

Where can I get benefits advice?

It can be useful to speak with someone about the benefits you may be entitled to and how they may impact upon your other benefits. A local independent advice service can help guide you through the process such as;

There are more benefit advice services in Newcastle. Read the ‘Where to get benefit advice booklet.

Other Useful Information

  • Money Advice Service provides online information on the full range of benefits that you may be entitled to.  This also includes where to find more help and advice.
  • Payment Exception Service was introduced as cheques are no longer used to pay state benefits and Pension credit. Information Now has more details on the service available to those unable to use bank accounts.
  • Independent Age have a factsheet which explains how moving abroad could affect your pension and entitlement to benefits and health care, and what action you can take.

Last updated: May 19, 2022