
Newcastle Shopmobility provides battery-powered scooters and wheelchairs for people with mobility issues.  This gives you freedom and independence to travel around the city centre; to shop or to use the range of attractions that are available in Newcastle, including Eldon Square, Eldon Gardens, part of Northumberland Street  and the Grainger Market. To use the service you need to register as a member.

What do I get as a member of Shopmobility?

Membership costs £25 a year and you do not have to be registered disabled to use it.  This gives you unlimited use of all of their equipment and access to the dedicated parking spaces on Level 4 of Eldon Gardens car park. Full training is provided so you can feel comfortable and safe with the equipment. Opening hours are Monday to Saturday from 9.00am to 5pm.  Closed on bank holidays.

How does the system work?

  • Book an appointment to join the Shopmobility scheme.  You can use your scooter or wheelchair straightaway, once you have had a training session.
  • Contact the Shopmobility team to book a parking space and book your scooter or wheelchair
  • Ask for the scooter or wheelchair to be brought to your car
  • There is a contact number on the key

All the scooters are fuelled on environmentally friendly electricity, and there are left-hand drive models available.

Please note that a similar scheme is run at the Metro Centre, Gateshead.

Last updated: March 3, 2022