Caring Hands Charity

Caring Hands offer a range of services to older people and physically impaired people in East End of Newcastle upon Tyne. They can help with:

Services to help manage day to day tasks, to help you to live at home for longer.

Advice and Advocacy: All advice is impartial and completely confidential.

  • The Welfare Benefits Advice service is free for people who live in the East End of Newcastle upon Tyne. Independent advisors can help with a benefit check to make sure you are receiving all the benefits available to you. They can help with benefit applications.
  • First Stop Advice can give advice and signpost you to other services that can help you. 

Wellbeing services to provide social opportunities, activities and support.

  • Friendly visits and telephone chats: Caring Hands volunteers can visit people at home, in hospital or care settings and over the phone.
  • Counselling: personal one to one counselling support provided by student counsellors in training from local universities
  • Social Groups: Caring Hands has several group activities available

Community Launderette

Located nearby to to Caring Hands at 38 Wretham Place, The Community Launderette is open to the general public. For a price list and opening times please visit their launderette page.