Silverline Memories

Silverline Memories provides places to go and things to do for people with a diagnosis of Dementia, their carers and families. This includes:

  • emotional and practical support
  • bereavement support
  • dementia advocacy and care system navigator service: help to get your voice heard and use health and care services
  • minibus transport to and from groups if needed: Costs £2 per journey.
  • Minibus for hire
  • charity shop

Face to face activities include:

  • Weekly Dementia Café
  • Monthly Dementia Carer Support Group
  • Young Onset Dementia Peer Support Group
  • Tea dances
  • Knitting, games, singing
  • day trips, outings to pubs, restaurants, theatre, cinema and places of local interest

Online activities include: Weekly quiz, Art group and Members Area

Silverline Memories is a Wellbeing Hub. They’re a warm welcoming place to spend time in Newcastle. They offer a range of support such as hot drinks, free Wi-Fi, place to charge your devices, information, advice and more. Read more about  Wellbeing Hubs