West End Refugee Service (WERS)

West End Refugee Service (WERS) supports people seeking sanctuary and refugees in Newcastle upon Tyne. They offer support, face-to-face, drop in, by telephone, by appointment and home visits.

Join WERS Every Wednesday at 11:30am – 01:30pm at the Westgate Baptist Church (NE4 6NX) for their Weekly Welcome to meet other people, play games and spend time together – free meal provided. See video

Drop-in at WERS takes place between 10am and 1pm at their office (NE4 5JE)

Their support includes:

  • Information, advice and advocacy: on issues that you need help with such as, housing, education, health, benefits, education, accessing legal advice
  • Buddying: regular meet ups with a volunteer buddy for social contact and to get to know Newcastle
  • Material support: free food, toiletries and essential items
  • Emergency hardship fund and welfare support for destitute asylum seekers
  • SkillsMatch to find volunteering opportunities in Newcastle that match your skills, experiences and interests. Develop skills, experience, practice English and meet new people
  • Campaigning, education and training programme
  • Volunteering opportunities: such as administration tasks, supporting refugees with information and being a Volunteer buddy
  • Garden Project meets every 2 weeks, Mondays 10am to 1pm
  • Sports: weekly badminton and table tennis sessions in collaboration with Welcome to Badminton, Mondays 2pm to 4pm.

WERS is a Wellbeing Hub. They’re a warm welcoming place to spend time in Newcastle. They offer a range of support such as hot drinks, free Wi-Fi, place to charge your devices, information, advice and more. Read more about  Wellbeing Hubs