All Organisations

WaveLength provides free media technology such as TV, Radios and tablets to people experiencing loneliness and poverty

award grants to people who have a physical or learning disability or long-term illness and who are in financial need.

Make a Change is a free programme for anyone over 18 who is concerned that they might be hurting, scaring or controlling their partner; or for partners and family affected by this behaviour.

Platform 60 is a website and online community forum for older people.

Drug and Alcohol Social Work Team specialist team at Newcastle City Council. This service is for adults in Newcastle experiencing problems with or affected by drugs and alcohol use. They can assess you to find out if residential rehabilitation is suitable for you. Residential rehabilitation is where you live in supported accommodation and get help to recover from addiction. To use this service you need to be getting treatment or have a specialist assessment with the Newcastle Treatment and Recovery service (NTaR).

Tales in Sombre Tones is an accessible arts and literature company. They provide accessible arts and literature projects, workshops and events for local communities.

The Newcastle User Carer Forum is for adults who support someone in Newcastle who uses drugs, alcohol or both. At the forum you can talk about your experiences and get your voice heard. You can chat to other carers and raise any issues that you have.

The Salvation Army’s Employment Plus service offers tailored support to help people become job-ready. They provide one to one support and group sessions.

The Centre for Ageing Better is a charity working to improve policy, services and society so people can age well. They do this through research, campaigning, and projects such as:

Age Without Limits is a project and campaign to  raise awareness of and challenge ageism. They run an Ageism Action Day on 20 March every year.

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