Disability All adult social care articles

All adult social care articles

Getting help at the right time can help improve your quality of life and allow you to continue enjoying life, plan ahead and make choices that are right for you.

As a carer you may be entitled to a Carers assessment from the council to find out what support is available to you in your caring role.

a way of paying for Adult Social Care support services such as home care, day services or respite care. Direct Payments allow you to buy and arrange your own care and support services.

Here’s information on what should happen when you leave hospital and tips for how to get ready to return home.

Commissioned services, have a contract with Newcastle City Council to provide a service. There is an agreement in place to provide a service for a certain amount of money. The organisation must meet the quality standards set by the council.

When you have problems managing day to day tasks, you may have care and support needs. You can get a Needs Assessment to find out if you can get support from Adult Social Care