Services commissioned by Newcastle City Council

What are commissioned services?

Commissioned services, have a contract with Newcastle City Council to provide a service. There is an agreement in place to provide a service for a certain amount of money. The organisation must meet the quality standards set by the council.

The council commissions a wide range of services for people in Newcastle. This page explains more about who provides Adult Social Care services on behalf of the council.

Adult Social Care

Adult Social Care helps people to stay independent, safe and well, so you can live the life you want. They work with people who have care needs. This includes people with health conditions, disabilities, neurodiversity or mental health issues. They help carers too.

You don’t have to speak to the council to arrange your own care and support. But you can get free information and advice from the council to help you.

Speak to Adult Social Care at Newcastle City Council if you are finding it harder to manage at home. This could include moving around your home, cooking, washing, or caring for someone.

Advocacy services

Advocacy is free, independent support to help you to get your voice heard. Advocacy services pair you up with an independent advocate who is on your side if you need support. Advocates can help people use NHS, housing and Adult Social Care services.

Your Voice Counts is commissioned to provide independent advocacy support to people in Newcastle.

Read more about advocacy support available in Newcastle.

Care homes

Care homes provide residential (live in) care for people who can’t live by themselves. They are are inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC)

You can see the list of care homes that Newcastle City Council commissions.

Read more about choosing a care home on InformationNOW.

Carer support services

You are a carer if you give unpaid care and support to someone who can’t manage without your help.  This could be a family member, friend, partner or neighbour.  The person you look after may have:

  • a disability or learning disability
  • a long term or life limiting illness
  • mental health difficulties
  • alcohol or drug related problems

Newcastle Carers is funded by Newcastle City Council to provide support to carers. This includes providing information, advice, counselling, and more.

Carers Emergency Contact Card Scheme is a free service, so the person you care for can be looked after if you have a personal crisis such as, an illness, accident or emergency. The British Red Cross are commissioned to provide this service

PROPS supports families, carers and friends affected by a loved ones drug or alcohol misuse across Newcastle and North Tyneside.

Read more about local help is for carers in Newcastle. This includes benefits advice, carers support, taking a break so you can rest and more.

Day Centres

Day services are available if you would like help to get out and about. They give you the opportunity to:

  • meet new people
  • enjoy a meal and join in social activities
  • learn new skills

If you need assistance during the activities, specialist care is also available. You can pay for these privately or it can be arranged as part of your Adult Social Care support.

St Anthony of Padua are commissioned to provide care services for older people and people with physical disabilities or mental health needs. they can provide full day or half day services.

Read more about Day Centres and services on InformationNOW

Direct Payment Support

Direct Payments can give you more independence and flexibility. You can choose how your Adult Social Care services are arranged and provided. To find out if you can get Direct Payments speak to Adult Social Care about your care needs. They can arrange for you to have a Needs and Financial Assessment to find out if you can get help from Newcastle City Council.

Disability North provide the Direct Payment Support Service. They provide independent information, advice and practical help for Adults, children or carers, to choose and manage direct payments.

Read more about Direct Payments from Adult Social Care on InformationNOW.

Domestic abuse

Newcastle Integrated Domestic Abuse Service (NIDAS) support people experiencing domestic violence and abuse in Newcastle. They have a refuge for women and their children who are moving from abusive commissioned by Newcastle City Council to support people threatened by domestic violence and abuse.

Read more about where to get help if you are experiencing domestic abuse on InformationNOW

Drug and alcohol

PROPS North East supports families, carers and friends affected by a loved ones drug or alcohol misuse across Newcastle and North Tyneside.

Newcastle Treatment and Recovery (NTaR) Drug and Alcohol Service is a community drug and alcohol service. This service is for anyone in Newcastle experiencing problems with or affected by drugs and alcohol. It is ran in partnership by CNTW NHS Foundation Trust, Humankind and Changing Lives.


Oaktrees Newcastle is a 12 step intensive programme for people who want to become sober. This is a community rehabilitation service for people in Newcastle with drug, alcohol or substance misuse issues. To use this service you need to be referred by Newcastle Treatment and Recovery Service (NTaR). Contact them for support.

Ridley Villas is supported housing for women in recovery from substance misuse, with children under the age of 10. This can be for drugs or alcohol, or both. The specialist accommodation provides a 20 week tailor made support programme. It’s a therapeutic space for women to recover from addiction. This service is for women who live in Newcastle or Gateshead, over 18 years old.  To use this service women contact Ridley Villas.

Residential Rehabilitation: Drug and Alcohol Social Work Team is a specialist team at Newcastle City Council. This service is for adults in Newcastle experiencing problems with or affected by drugs and alcohol use. They can assess you to find out if residential rehabilitation is suitable for you. Residential rehabilitation is where you live in supported accommodation and get help to recover from addiction. To use this service you need to be getting treatment or have a specialist assessment with the Newcastle Treatment and Recovery service (NTaR).

Newcastle Drug and Alcohol Service User and Carer Forums are for service users, carers of those in and out of treatment and the recovery community. The forums are an opportunity to chat and to raise any issues that you may have. It also provides a supportive place for peer led activities, training, volunteer opportunities, advocacy, and mentoring.

Read more about Drug and alcohol support on InformationNOW

Have your say about health and care

Healthwatch Newcastle helps everyone speak up about health and social care services in Newcastle. They also offer free, confidential and independent information about these services. They are commissioned by Newcastle City Council as a champion for children and adults who use health and social care services across Newcastle.

Read more about how to have your say about health and care services in Newcastle.

Home care

Home care agencies provide care to you in your own home. They can help you with eating, drinking, taking medication, washing, moving around and more.

See the list of home care agencies in Newcastle that are commissioned by Newcastle City Council.

Read more about home care on InformationNOW.

Mental health

Everyturn Mental Health provide a wide range of specialist mental health services. They are commissioned by Newcastle City Council for crisis response and homelessness and prevention services.

Read more about mental health support on InformationNOW.

Sexual health

Skills for People is commissioned by Newcastle City Council to provide sexual health training for people with learning disabilities.

Streetwise is commissioned by Newcastle City Council to offer a sexual health and contraception service to young people up to the age of 25.

Read more about sexual health on InformationNOW.

Socialising and friendship support

Chain Reaction supports older people (over 55) to live independently in the community. They help you to access groups and services in your local area. It’s provided by 3 partner organisations

Read more about food and friends on InformationNOW

Stop smoking

Newcastle Stop Smoking + Service helps people living, working or registered with a GP in Newcastle to quit smoking. This is a 12-week programme to help and encourage you to stop smoking. Change Grow Live is commissioned by Newcastle City Council to run this service.

Read more about giving up smoking on InformationNOW.

Supported living or housing for people with a learning disability

People with a learning disability or autistic people may need flexible care and support to live well. There’s support services and supported housing available in Newcastle. The range of supported living or housing services available are explained on this page and includes: independent supported living, personal care at home, residential care, respite care and educational services.

See the list of supported housing for people with a learning disability or autistic people that are commissioned by Newcastle City Council.

Voluntary and community sector support

Connected Voice is commissioned by Newcastle City Council for:

  • voluntary and community sector infrastructure support
  • Ethnically marginalised Health and Wellbeing Development and support

Volunteer Centre Newcastle is funded by Newcastle City Council to promote, support and celebrate volunteering across Newcastle upon Tyne.

Commissioning for Newcastle

The Commissioning and Procurement Team at Newcastle City Council work to make sure the money spent by the Council has a positive impact on our city and the people who live in Newcastle.

This is known as Social Value. This means the money invested on services in our city, helps to improve the wellbeing of people in Newcastle. This investment in the local economy and businesses helps to improve living and working conditions, such as employment opportunities and address climate change.

All commissioning and procurement must meet the legal and constitutional regulations. This includes:

  • European directives
  • UK legislation
  • Newcastle City Council’s Financial regulations, Commissioning and Procurement Procedure Rules and Council policies

Last updated: May 14, 2024