End of Life

The death of someone close to you, whether it is expected or sudden, can be very difficult. It is hard to talk about but planning ahead can help avoid distress and make sure your wishes are met. Practical help and support is available.

All end of life articles

Advance decisions allow you to set out your decisions and choices about refusing medical treatment in certain situations, should you lose the mental capacity to make these decisions in the future.

There are many different types of funerals to choose from and financial help may be available.

Attendance allowance is a benefit for people with disabilities or long term health problems who need support, care or supervision

The death of someone close to you, whether it was expected or sudden, can be an extremely difficult time, and you will experience many different emotions. Help is available.

Bereavement benefit is a payment that may be made following the death of your husband, wife or civil partner, or from February 2023, some unmarried partners.

Carer’s allowance is a state benefit, for people over 16, who spend at least 35 hours a week caring for someone and the person you care for receives certain benefits.

can happen to anyone. It’s described as any incident or pattern of incidents that are: controlling, coercive, threatening, violent.

There are many options for what happens to your body or organs after you die. Donating your body for scientific research or medical training is an option.

Emergency funds provide lump sum cash payments or loans to cover extra expenses that you find difficult to cover from your regular income.

Epilepsy is a neurological condition which causes seizures. There are many different types of epilepsy and seizures.

Gardening is good for you. It is therapy and fitness rolled into one.

Some people have difficulties making decisions. This could be due to a learning disability, dementia, a mental health problem, or a brain injury

Plan ahead to manage your affairs.  There may be a point in your life where you are unable to manage your finances and need someone to do this for you. Or if you care for a family member or friend, you may need to step in to manage their finances and other affairs, if they are unable to do so themselves.

Mental health is about how we think, feel and behave. 1 in 4 people in the UK have a mental health problem which affects their daily life, relationships or physical health.

For many people the main symptom is a painful headache. Other symptoms include disturbed vision; sensitivity to light, sound and smells feeling sick and vomiting.

End of life care, is support for people who are close to the end of their life. This could be the last few months, or years of their lives. The care you are given helps you to live as well as possible and to die with dignity. It also includes support for family members.

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological condition which affects movements such as walking, talking and writing.

The NHS offers personal health budgets and personal wheelchair budgets to certain groups of people.

PIP is a benefit to help towards some of the extra costs associated with ill-health or disability

Whatever stage of adult life you have reached, it is important to think about planning ahead for your future care, later life, end of life and your estate after death.

is a legal document, which authorises one or more people to handle your finances, health and welfare. You can set up a lasting power of attorney for a limited time, or longer.

Dealing with thoughts of suicide, self harm how to help someone and help if you are bereaved by suicide.

There are a range of support groups in Newcastle that help, advise and support people through difficulties including offering emotional support to those people dealing with illness, social isolation, end of life or a long term condition.


Here’s a helpful guide of practical issues that you made need to consider and act upon following the death of a loved one.

Find out more about places where you can receive legal advice in Newcastle.

If you die without making a Will, known as ‘dying intestate’, it can become complicated for the people that you leave behind to carry out your wishes or know your intentions.