Keeping warm and well in Winter

Winter weather is associated with an increase in illnesses and injuries. Cold and wintry conditions can cause severe illness and, in the worst cases, people can die. The cold weather, combined with low levels of sunlight after the clocks go back, means that many of us can feel in poor health. However, with some simple precautions, most people can be prepared and prevent much of the misery often associated with winter weather. Severe cold snaps can have dramatic effects on everyday life, especially for those people who are vulnerable because of poor health or disability.  Here are a few tips:

Keep warm

Heat your home to at least 18°C (65°F). Keep your bedroom window closed on a winter’s night. Breathing in cold air can increase the risk of chest infections.

Get financial support

There are grants, benefits and sources of advice available to make your home more energy efficient, improve your heating or help with bills. See how to heat your home below

Look after yourself

  • get your free flu jab if you are aged 65 or over, have an underlying health condition, live in a residential or nursing home or are the main carer for an older or disabled person. Some children are also eligible
  • the NHS website provides information about flu vaccination. Visit  to learn more.  Contact your GP or Pharmacy for an appointment as soon as possible
  • don’t delay in getting treatment for minor winter ailments like colds or sore throats. Visit your local pharmacist for advice on treatment before it gets worse so you can recover quicker
  • layer your clothing whether you are indoors or outside. Wrap a scarf around your mouth to protect your lungs from the cold air. Wear a hat
  • wear shoes with a good grip if you need to go outside
  • wear slippers and use rugs and throws to keep warm
  • eat one hot meal a day and eat regularly
  • use a hot water bottle to warm your feet and body
  • move around once an hour to warm up, but not strenuous exercise
  • if you know there is going to be a cold snap, stock up on food and stay in until it is safe to go out.  Ask a neighbour or volunteer for support.
  • always cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and encourage visitors and relatives to do the same; throw away used tissues as soon as possible; wash your hands regularly with soap and water and use a hand sanitiser gel when you’re out and about; stock up on over-the-counter cough and cold remedies
  • get your Covid 19 seasonal booster

Stay active

  • if possible, try to move around at least once an hour.
  • chair-based exercises and simply moving your arms and legs and wiggling your toes are helpful if walking is difficult.
  • make warm drinks regularly.  Moving keeps the air warmer and the drink will warm you up.

Help to heat your home

There are various options available to help you heat your home, including:

See Help with heating problems and how to pay for them for more information.

Wellbeing Hubs

Wellbeing Hubs are warm welcoming place to spend time in Newcastle. Local venues, such as libraries and community centres, offer a range of support such as hot drinks, free wifi, place to charge your devices, information, advice and more.

Read more about Cost of living help and support on InformationNOW and Keeping warm and well in winter.


Food help in Newcastle

If you are struggling to pay for food or cook meals there are places in Newcastle that can help you with:

You can also search our organisation directory to find foodbanks or food help near you.

Search for food and choose your location from the drop down list, or enter your postcode to get a list of places that can help near you.

Other Useful Information

Last updated: November 27, 2024