10 Tips for good health

As an adult, your health is important. Here’s a list of easy tips to help you stay fit, healthy, and feel better overall

Healthy eating and drinking

Healthy eating is important because the food you eat can greatly affect your health. A nutritious and balanced diet with lots of fiber, fruits, and vegetables is essential for keeping your gut, body, and mind healthy, especially as you get older. Try to eat less fat, sugar, and salt to avoid diseases and live longer..

Giving up smoking

Giving up smoking will improve your health. You will breathe easier, and your circulation, skin, hair, and teeth will get better. You will also have a lower risk of serious diseases.

Get plenty of fresh air

Going outside in the fresh air is good for both your body and mind. Sunlight gives you vitamin D, which is important for your teeth and bones and can make you feel happier. Going outside often, even in your garden or walking your dog, can also help you meet people and improve your social life.

Keeping physically active

You don’t need to do difficult activities and hard exercises to be active. Walking is one of the best exercises. It costs nothing and helps you stay healthy, lose weight, and feel better. Regular exercise can improve your fitness and prevent problems like high blood pressure, depression, and joint issues.

Be socially active

Social isolation or feeling lonely is common because families often live far apart, and people may not know their neighbours. To avoid loneliness, join a class, a walking group, a lunch group, or volunteer. These activities can help you find friends.

Drink plenty of water

Healthy drinking is important to remove toxins from your body and keep you hydrated. You should drink 6 to 8 glasses of water every day, and more in hot weather or when you exercise.

Keeping your brain active

There are many easy ways to keep your brain active as you get older. Eating certain foods and doing simple activities like crosswords, quizzes, reading, or having lively conversations can help keep your brain active.

Have regular health checks

Regular visits to the Dentists and Opticians become more important as you age. Problems with your eyes and teeth can sometimes be early signs of more serious health issues, like diabetes. It’s a good idea to get checked often. You can ask your GP or check your local pharmacy for a health check if you’re aged 40 to 74. There are also cancer screening and sexual health checks available. Visit the NHS Healthcheck website for more information.

Visit your GP

Sometimes people avoid going to the doctor, hoping their symptoms will go away. They might worry about wasting the doctor’s time or think their problems are just due to old age. Check NHS 111 about your symptoms and make an appointment with your GP if you continue to feel unwell.

Be mindful and kind

Being aware of your current thoughts and feelings, your body, senses such as touch and smell and the world around you is called Mindfulness and can help improve your mental health. Being mindful can help you notice negative thoughts or signs of stress or anxiety earlier and deal with them better. Do something simple every day that you enjoy and focus on it. Visit a friend, listen to music, read a book, meditate, or whatever you enjoy.

Research shows that small acts of kindness towards other people, being helpful with a task or volunteering in your local community can improve your mental health. Knowing you’ve made a difference to somebody else, can be rewarding, give you purpose and increase your self worth.

Websites and organisations that may help

Healthworks can help with information, health checks and support you to make positive changes to your health.

Newcastle Stop Smoking+ Service run a stop smoking service. They can help you access free or cheap nicotine products to help manage your cravings

Newcastle Treatment and Recovery (NTaR) Drug and Alcohol Service  to help with addictions, giving up drugs and alcohol.

Public Health England have produced a booklet called ‘Active at Home’ to support older people to be active and healthy at home.

Learn more about the NHS 5 steps to mental wellbeing 

Answer questions to get your personalised mental health action plan, with tips and advice on Every Mind Matters

Last updated: June 25, 2024