National Insurance
What is National Insurance?
You pay National Insurance contributions throughout your working life to build up your entitlement to certain benefits, including the State Pension.
The contributions you pay depend on how much you earn and whether you’re employed or self-employed. You stop paying National Insurance contributions when you reach pension age. You can check your National Insurance contributions on Gov.UK
You may also be credited with NI contributions if you claim certain benefits. See Gov.UK for more details.
When do I receive my National Insurance number?
A UK national insurance number (NINO) is given to you when you are
- 15 years old
- or when you apply for one if you weren’t registered in the UK benefits system
Why is my National Insurance Number important?
Your National Insurance number is unique and stays with you for life. It is used to collect a record of how much National Insurance contributions you have paid, and this is used to pay your state pension when you retire. For more information visit Gov.UK
The current rules stipulate that anyone who receives child benefit for a child under 12 is treated as if they had also paid National Insurance contributions for that week. Importantly this credit only goes to the person who claims that benefit. If you are in a partnership or marriage, it may be sensible for the person who earns the lowest income or has periods when they do not work to receive the payment and boost their National Insurance contributions.
What happens if I haven’t used my National Insurance number?
Your National Insurance number will become dormant and disappear from the HM Revenues and Customs system if you do not use it. This will happen if you have never worked or claimed benefits in the UK.
What happens if my National Insurance number does not appear in the HM Revenues and Customs system?
This may happen if you have changed your name, if you number hasn’t been used or if you are returning to the UK after living abroad. This may cause problems when you want to claim your state pension.
Who can I contact for help with my National Insurance number?
Contact National Insurance General Enquiries for help with your National Insurance.
Visit if you’ve lost your National Insurance number.
Where can I get benefits advice?
In the case of National Insurance, you can check the eligibility critiera for National Insurance Credits.
It can be useful to speak with someone about the benefits you may be entitled as well as how one benefit may impact upon your other benefits. A local independent advice service can help you such as:
- Citizens Advice Newcastle
- Your Homes Newcastle (YHN) can give their tenants benefit and debt advice. Phone: 0191 277 1190 or make a referral online for yourself
- Newcastle Welfare Rights Service – have self help material on their website.
- Search Newcastle give benefits advice to older people in the West of Newcastle
Visit for more benefit advice services available across Newcastle.
Last updated: January 21, 2022