Connected Voice Haref

Haref works with ethnically marginalised communities to identify their key issues around health and improve the health information available to them. Haref helps health services have a better understanding of what communities need and build confidence within communities so they can talk to health services about their cultural needs.

Haref consists of:

  • Haref Network: a network of ethnically marginalised community organisations and organisations with a targeted project for ethnically marginalised communities in Newcastle and Gateshead.
  • Haref Allies: organisations delivering mainstream health services  in Newcastle and/or Gateshead who want to improve how they engage with ethnically marginalised communities.
  • Haref Bulletin: A monthly e-bulletin containing the work of Haref and all matters relating to health, wellbeing and equality.
  • Cultural Competency: Working with ethnically marginalised communities in health settings: We offer two distinct Cultural Competency training sessions; one that is tailored to your organisation’s services and one that is specifically aimed at practitioners in health settings (see below). For information about our tailored service please visit our page about tailored training.

This is a service ran by Connected Voice.