Carers Wellbeing Fund

What is the Carers Wellbeing Fund?

Newcastle Carers manage the Carers Wellbeing fund.  If you care for someone who lives in Newcastle upon Tyne, the Carers Wellbeing Fund may be able to provide a small grant to help you as a carer. The fund is intended to support carers in need and to improve their own health and wellbeing.

Who is a carer?

You are a carer if you give unpaid care and support to someone who can’t manage without your help.  This could be a family member, friend, partner or neighbour.  The person you look after may have:

  • a disability or learning disability
  • a long term or life limiting illness
  • mental health difficulties
  • alcohol or drug related problems

You may not realise that you are a carer. See looking after someone to find local help and support.

Who can apply to the Carers Wellbeing Fund?

You can apply for the fund if the person you care for lives in Newcastle upon Tyne and you are:

  • an unpaid carer
  • over 18

You don’t need to be in touch with Adult Social Care at Newcastle City Council or have a Carers Assessment to apply.

To apply you need a supporting statement from a professional. This could be from a support worker, social worker, employer who knows about your caring role.

You can apply every 12 months.

What can I apply for?

You can apply for a small grant for something that will improve your health and wellbeing. This could be:

  • a holiday or weekend break in the UK
  • college course fees, books or equipment
  • gym membership, exercise classes, swimming sessions
  • driving lessons
  • buying items for an activity or hobby such as a tent or a bicycle
  • household items such as a washing machine, a cooker or a fridge
  • garden maintenance

How do I apply to the Carers Wellbeing Fund?

The Carers Wellbeing Fund will open for new applications in November 2024.

Contact Newcastle Carers or apply on their website

Where to get benefits advice in Newcastle

You can speak with someone about the benefits you may be entitled to. A local independent advice service can help guide you through the process such as:

Newcastle Welfare Rights Service gives benefits advice and have useful benefits information on their website

Newcastle City Council Housing gives council tenants benefits and debt advice.

Citizens Advice Newcastle (CAN) give free, confidential and independent advice to people who live, work or study in Newcastle.

Search Newcastle gives benefits advice to older people in the West of Newcastle

Read more on where to get benefits advice services in Newcastle

Financial support for carers

Find out more about other financial support for carers on InformationNOW.

Last updated: August 23, 2024