Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning + (LGBTQIA+) support and groups in Newcastle

There are lots of support services and groups for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning and other identifying  (LGBTQ+) people in Newcastle.

Creative arts, music and culture

Curious Arts is a Newcastle Gateshead based charity championing and developing LGBTQIA + arts, artists and audiences across the Northeast of England and beyond.

Northern Proud Voices are a Northeast award-winning choir, meets weekly to rehearse each Thursday from 7pm – 9pm on the third floor of ReCoCo

Northern Pride hold various events, workshops, seminars and campaigns throughout the year which culminates in the pride festival in July.

Pride Media are a media hub for LGBTQIA+ community and allies. Incorporating Pride Radio, Pride World Radio and other LGBT+ organisations.

DGA Collective are a drag collective based in the North East. They host a range of workshops, events and projects offering a platform and community for LGBTQ+ artists.

Rendez-Vous Dance  is a contemporary dance company based in North Shields. They engage with LGBTQIA+ themes and voices through their work. This includes Hippocampe a youth dance programme for LGBTQIA+ young people, their friends and allies.


The Wardrobe at The Newbridge Project is a second clothing resource for trans, non-binary and genderqueer people. They collect donations of clothing and provide a safe space to try them on. Book an appointment online.

Read more on help with clothing on InformationNOW.

Sexual Health

Sexual Health Services 4 Newcastle at New Croft Centre provides sexual health support. This includes: contraception and testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). You can request a free home testing kit online or book a face to face appointment for help with:

  • contraception, condoms or coil fitting
  • emergency contraception
  • sexual assault support
  • HIV testing or treatment before or after you’re exposed to HIV (PrEP and PEP)
  • Chems support
  • young people’s clinic with Streetwise
  • relationships
  • pregnancy advice

Mental health and wellbeing

ReCoCo run 2 support groups: Pride in Mind is a social and support group for LGBTQ+ people with lived experience of mental health conditions. Facilitated by a worker from Northeast Together. Meetings are on the second Friday of each month, 2pm to 4pm.

LGBTQ+ and Allies group is a wellbeing support group for LGBTQ+ identifying ReCoCo students and their allies. A safe space to share experiences, issues and get support and signposting. Group aims in future will be decided by the group attendees.

Everyturn run mental health support groups for Trans and Non binary people.

Social support groups

The North East LGBT Federation works to unite LGBT people, groups, organisations and communities across the North East to act together as one voice for the North East LGBTQ+ communities. They hold regular meetings for information sharing, support, socialising, and organise various LGBT activities across the region and volunteer opportunities.

Gay Men Tyneside (GMT) are an Independent social and support group open to gay and bisexual men aged 18 and over.  They provide a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere and have different activities weekly such as quizzes, film nights, and occasionally trips to the cinema, theatre and other venues. They meet Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm.

BE are a community support organisation run by trans people for trans people. They run a monthly social event open to all Trans and Gender Diverse people and their family, friends and allies as well as other group

Newcastle University LGBT+ Society and Northumbria University LGBT society offer informative and entertaining events to raise awareness and educate people on LGBTQ+ issues, provide safe spaces for LGBTQ+ students to meet and social events throughout the year.

LGBT+ Northern Social Group are a social group based in Newcastle upon Tyne for all members of the LGBT+ community.  They bring people together at various types of social events such as coffee mornings, film clubs and social evenings.

Sports, outdoors and physical activities

Newcastle Ravens R.F.C. Established in 2006 to encourage gay people to play and enjoy the sport of rugby in the North East. Based at Percy Park, North Shields.

Newcastle Frontrunners A running group for everyone, meeting in the Northeast. Meet every Wednesday evening at 7pm at Gosforth leisure centre

Newcastle Panthers F.C. are an LGBT+ football club that anyone can play for regardless of gender, sexuality or prior experience with football or sport. Everyone is welcome. Based at the NUcastle Foundation complex

Queer Yoga North run gentle yoga sessions for the LGBTQ+ community, with breathwork, mindfulness, relaxation, and a bit of time for (optional) discussion at the end around the themes of the class. Based at Divercity Hub.

Geordie Grandslammers are a LGBTQ+ friendly tennis club in Newcastle, playing at the Northumberland Club. Usually on Sundays 5.30-7.30pm

Gay City Bowlers Newcastle Bowling Social Launch date: Wednesday 24th of May from 7pm to 10.30pm at Lane 7, St James Boulevard, Newcastle, NE1 4BN.

Gay Outdoor Club (GOC) run a range of sociable outdoor activities with several regional groups across the United Kingdom, as well as specialist groups covering interests such as caving, cycling and swimming,

OutdoorLads run a range of sociable outdoor activities aimed at gay, bi and trans guys across the North East and the United Kingdom.

United with Pride are the official LGBT+ supporters group of Newcastle United FC. They work to create a more welcoming environment for LGBTQI+ fans, and to tackle discrimination online and in stadiums. They also run occasional events and take part in Pride.

TOPSOIL- A Queer Gardening Club are based at The NewBridge Project. You can learn from local, queer practitioners how to grow your own food, learn about sustainability, queer ecology and using natural dyes every Friday

Faith and spirituality

Proud Catholics Newcastle and Hexham LGBTQ+ support group run by and for LGBT+ Catholics in the Northeast. Meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm at St Andrew’s RC Church, Worswick St. Varied programme, which includes mass, prayer, Bible study, discussion and social time. It is also possible to connect through Zoom.

Northern Lights Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) an inclusive church founded by LGBT people in the North East of England. MCC are part of an international Christian denomination, founded in, and reaching beyond the LGBT communities.

Newcastle Cathedral LGBTQ+ and Allies hub LGBTQ+ and allies meeting for Christians and people exploring faith. St Nicholas’ Cathedral from 6pm one Saturday a month then to a local bar for social time.

Reporting hate crime or abuse

Identifying as a LGBTQ+ person can sometimes lead to harassment, bullying, hate crime or discrimination. You have rights and support is available if you experiencing problems.

Galop provides hate crime, domestic abuse and sexual violence support services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans + victims and survivors by telephone, email, text and WhatsApp.

Read more on InformationNOW to find local help and support about:


LGBT+ Switchboard helpline offer listening, support, signposting for LGBTQ+ people. A helpline and safe space for anyone to discuss anything, including sexuality, gender identity, sexual health and emotional well-being.

Read more on mental health support and helplines on InformationNOW

Older people

Age UK LGBTQ+ Support Group for older members of the LGBTQ+ community. They meet every other Thursday

ReEngage Rainbow call companions is a free telephone befriending service for LGBT+ people who are lonely, isolated or in need of companionship and feel they would benefit from a friendly phone call every week or two. This is a service specifically for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender plus (LGBT+) people aged 75+ who would like to speak to someone who’s also LGBT+.

Parents and carers

Barnardos Trans parents and carers online group meets monthly, (usually last Tuesday of the month, 6pm to 7.30pm via Zoom) to discuss a wide range of topics that affect trans parents and carers. The group is mainly a peer support group however the other main aim of the project is the co-production of resources to help other trans parents or carers. For more information please contact [email protected]

Telephone befriending

Methodist Homes Housing Association (MHA) run telephone befriending services for older people and LGBTQ+ people.

Read more about finding friends on InformationNOW

Young people

Humankind: LGBT+ North East offer a range of LGBT+ support services in Newcastle and Gateshead for young people 11 to 25 years old.

AKT supports LGBTQ+ young people aged 16 to 25 in the UK who are experiencing homelessness or living in a hostile or abusive environment.


Thank you to Mesmac Newcastle 1990 – 2023 for supporting us to develop this article.

Mesmac produce the Q – LGBTQIA+ Pocket Guide twice a year, with updated information on groups and services in and around the Newcastle area.

Note on services: The services listed on this page are provided by independent organisations. We update this information regularly, but availability of services may change. Before attending any services or sessions we recommend you check it is running and that you’re eligible to receive the service. You can read more about InformationNOW’s Terms and Conditions.

Note on terms used: The acronym LGBTQ+ is used on this article for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (or questioning). The + added recognises all non-straight, non-cisgender identities including intersex, asexual/ace, non binary and others.

Last updated: November 6, 2023