Hate crime

What is a hate crime

Targeting anyone verbally or physically because of a personal characteristic is a hate crime. This can be any act of violence, aggression, prejudice or hostility directed at you because of your:

  • age
  • disability
  • sexual orientation
  • gender identity
  • race or ethnicity
  • religion or belief
  • lifestyle

Hate crime can take place anywhere, both online and offline. It is illegal. Hate crime may also be called hate incidents or offences.

Examples of hate crime

Hate crime can include:

  • abusive or threatening behaviour: such as rude gestures, name calling, groups hanging around to intimidate, unfounded malicious complaints, dumping of rubbish outside homes or through letterboxes, bullying at school or in the workplace
  • abusive phone, text messages or hate mail. This can include offensive leaflets, letters, phone calls and posters
  • damage to property: This can include graffiti and arson
  • harassment or emotional abuse
  • encouraging or inciting others to commit hate crimes
  • online abuse (also known as ‘trolling’) on social media or websites
  • physical attacks or assault such as hitting, punching, pushing or spitting
  • robbery

How to report hate crime

Always report any incident of hate crime to:

Northumbria Police. You can:

Hate Reporting Centres are a safe, neutral location in the community where you can report hate crime or hate incidents without having to contact the Police directly. You can use a Safe Reporting Centre if you are a victim, witness, or if you know some information that needs to be reported.

Safe Reporting Centres in Newcastle

If you’re reporting a crime that’s happening right now or if someone’s life is at risk call 999.

How to contact the Police if speaking or making a noise would put you in danger

The Silent Solution police system 

If you’re in an emergency situation and need police help, but can’t speak, Make Yourself Heard to let the 999 operator know your call is genuine. All 999 calls are directed to call centres where you are asked which service you need. If no service is requested but something suspicious is heard during your call, BT operators will connect you to a police call handler if you can communicate with them using the steps described below:

  1. Listen to the call handlers questions
  2. Cough or tap the handset if possible
  3. Press 55 if prompted, to let them know your call is genuine. You can then be put through to the police
  4. If calling from a landline the silent solution can’t be used. They will try to ask you questions and get a response from you. If they can’t decide if your call is genuine, the call may be ended. However the call may stay connected for 45 seconds. Pick up the handset again to let the police know your call is genuine. If the call handler is worried about your safety you’ll be connected to your local police. Calling from a landline gives the call handler more information about your location.

Read more about the Silent Police Solution.

Other ways to report Hate Crime

Stop Hate UK work to combat hate crime. They will take you seriously and help you. You can report:

  • if something has happened to you
  • if you have witnessed something
  • using their free confidential helpline, text message service, website, or video relay for BSL users
  • using different languages

Call Hate Out is a confidential 24 hour support service for young people under 18 experiencing or witnessing a Hate Crime.

Support for people experiencing Hate Crime

Connected Voice Advocacy offer free, confidential support and advice to people over 16 who have experienced hate crime. They will:

  • listen to you
  • take you seriously
  • offer support to report the incident
  • help you to get your voice heard

Victims First Northumbria provide free and confidential help to direct and indirect victims of crime. Their services include:

  • confidential support
  • emotional and practical support
  • help to access other support agencies such as counselling and therapy
  • crime prevention advice
  • support through court
  • Restorative justice where victims can communicate the real impact of a crime to the offender

Victim Support have a national victim support telephone service and have more information on hate crime.

Read more information from:

Asylum seekers and refugees

Asylum seekers and refugees can get support from the services mentioned above if they are victims of hate crime.

Emotional and practical support services are available in Newcastle. Read more on InformationNOW about support for asylum seekers and refugees.

Anti-Muslim hate crime reporting and support

Tell MAMA (Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks) supports victims of anti-Muslim hate. You can report an incident by Telephone, Email, SMS, Facebook or Twitter.  It’s a public service which also measures and monitors anti-Muslim incidents. An anti-Muslim incident (or hate crime) is any malicious act aimed at Muslims (or people believed to be Muslim), their property or Islamic organisations. This includes: harassment or online abuse, being targeted on public transport, threat of/or physical attacks, damage cause to property, discrimination at school, work or university, hate mail or email.

You can discuss the hate incident with a trained caseworker who can help you report it. They can refer you for support to partner agencies if you have been a victim of an Anti-Muslim incident.

Anti-Semitic hate crime reporting and support

Community Security Trust (CST) protects British Jews from anti-Semitism and related threats. They provide:

  • a confidential service to report anti-Semitic incidents
  • victim support
  • liaison with the police and other services to help ensure that any incident is dealt with properly. They can report the incident to the police for you as a ‘Third Party Reporter’
  • online reporting for non-emergency situations
  • security advice and training for Jewish communal organisations, events, schools and synagogues
  • educational resources

If you are the victim of an anti-Semitic incident or you have information regarding an anti-Semitic incident that happened to somebody else, contact them as soon as possible.

An anti-Semitic incident is any malicious act aimed at Jewish people, organisations or property, where there is evidence that the incident has anti-Semitic motivation or content, or that the victim was targeted because they are (or are believed to be) Jewish.

Learning disability and autism hate crime support

If you are a victim of hate crime, report it to the Police.

Mencap explains Mate and hate crime where someone may take advantage of a person with a learning disability, pretending to be their friend.

True Vision has a series of useful videos that explain what is a hate crime, how to report it or tell someone about it and your rights.

Adult abuse is illegal. If you are worried that someone with a learning disability, is a victim of abuse or hate crime in Newcastle contact Adult Social CarePoint.

Disability North is a safe reporting centre, where you can report any hate crimes

Disability Rights article on InformationNOW has more on your rights and the law.

Read more on InformationNOW about local support for people with a learning disability or autism.

LGBTQ+ hate crime support

Galop supports LGBTQ+ people who have experienced hate crime, domestic abuse or sexual violence. You can report hate crime by telephone, email, text and WhatsApp.

Stonewall provides information and support for LGBTQ+ communities and their allies with:

  • online list of organisations who offer support to LGBTQ+ people
  • Information Service telephone line: They can put you in touch with organisations who provide counselling services and legal advice. Leave a voicemail and someone will call you back
  • online resources, information guides, posters and leaflets

LGBT+ Switchboard helpline is a one stop listening service. It’s a safe space for anyone to discuss anything, including sexuality, gender identity, sexual health and emotional well-being. They support you to talk things through and explore the right options for you. Volunteers, who also identify as LGBT+, provide support and information by phone, email and instant messaging service on their website. It’s a confidential and non judgemental service. Nothing is off limits.

Travellers, Gypsies and Roma people support

Families, Friends and Travellers give telephone and online information and advice to Gypsies, Travellers and Roma people. They give information on a range of subjects such as: reporting racism and hate crime, health and wellbeing and mental health. They can provide advocacy support.

They have a free Advice for Advisors portal for voluntary sector organisations supporting Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities. If you would like to access the portal email them.

They are working to end racism and discrimination against Gypsies, Travellers and Roma people and to protect the right to pursue a nomadic way of life.

Young people hate crime reporting and support

Call Hate Out is a confidential 24 hour support service for young people under 18 who have experienced or witnessed hate crime. You can contact them to

  • report an incident of hate crime
  • get support and advice

Training for professionals

Connected Voice offer Cultural Competency Training for frontline workers in Newcastle from health and wellbeing services in the public and Voluntary and Community sectors. This session helps you to understand how to connect with and deliver effective services to people across majority and minority ethnic communities.

Newcastle Safeguarding Adults Board (NSAB) offer regular safeguarding training sessions. To help you spot the signs of abuse and know how to report it.

Families, Friends and Travellers, offer telephone and online information and advice to Gypsies, Travellers and Roma people. They provide advocacy casework, advice and information on their national helpline. They have a free Advice for Advisors portal for voluntary sector organisations supporting Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities. If you would like to access the portal email them. They’re working to end racism and discrimination against Gypsies, Travellers and Roma people and to protect the right to pursue a nomadic way of life.

Show Racism the Red Card (SRtRC) is an anti-racism educational charity. In addition to the direct education of young people and adults in schools, workplaces and clubs, SRtRC produces educational resources, to challenge misconceptions, stereotypes and negative attitudes in society.  They will work with Trade Unions, Teachers and other staff in the workplace.


There are different types of abuse and signs to be aware of. Types of abuse include: financial, physical, emotional, sexual and neglect.

Contact Adult Social CarePoint if you are worried about the abuse or neglect of an adult in Newcastle. Read more about adult abuse and domestic abuse on InformationNOW.

Last updated: November 1, 2024