Managing your money can be complicated. But it’s better to starting thinking about this now. Here’s some helpful advice on how to organise your money and make it work better for you.
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Please report any abuse in Newcastle. Abuse can be emotional, physical, sexual, financial, discriminatory, exploitation, psychological, organisational, domestic, neglect, self neglect or modern slavery.
Advocacy is where someone helps you to get your views and opinions heard. They can support you to access services if you are unable to do so by yourself.
There are a number of affordable credit options available to people in Newcastle who may be able to help you if you’ve been refused credit by other lenders.
Buying new white goods or electrical items for your home can be expensive and sometimes unexpected. There are affordable options and support to help
Furniture can be quite expensive, especially if you are in the process of moving house. There are affordable options and support available in Newcastle.
Having a bank account is important, but may not be suitable for everyone. Alternatives are available
There are several benefits for maternity, paternity, adoption and similar parental responsibilities
If you are moving to a new home, whether buying or renting, you need to find out what type of housing will suit your needs best and what is available.
Carer’s allowance is a state benefit, for people over 16, who spend at least 35 hours a week caring for someone and the person you care for receives certain benefits.
carers can apply for funding to help improve their health and wellbeing. It can be used to take breaks and opportunities that give them choice, independence and control.
support available if you’re having problems paying energy and household bills
Credit Unions are not-for-profit local organisations which exist to provide a safe, convenient place for members to save money and to get loans and other financial services at reasonable rates.
Help is available to manage debt if you need it. This article covers everything from planning your finances, financial help, utility debt and illegal lending.
can happen to anyone. It’s described as any incident or pattern of incidents that are: controlling, coercive, threatening, violent.
Emergency funds provide lump sum cash payments or loans to cover extra expenses that you find difficult to cover from your regular income.
is one of the options that you could take to release some of your money which is tied up in property.
There are lots of venues and lunch clubs in Newcastle. Some offer discounts for older people or a tailored service such as lunch clubs where you can socialise with other like minded people.
A list of charities and voluntary groups where you can get free food parcels when you can’t afford to buy food.
If you can’t afford to buy or cook food for yourself, help is available. Read more below to find local services, charities and community groups who can help and low cost options to help make your money go further.
Sensible precautions you can take to make yourself less likely to be the victim of crimes such as fraud or scams. How to report fraud.
Looking for a hot meal or low cost food in Newcastle? Find voluntary groups and charities that cook meals for the community across Newcastle.
When you’re thinking about how to spend or save your money financial advice is really important. Here’s more information on where to find advice and what advice will suit your needs best.
It’s a good idea to think about how you will manage your new financial and legal arrangements when marrying or starting a new civil partnership in later life.
Affordable family clothing including school uniform, interview outfits and special occasions.
Most NHS services are free, however, you may be entitled to free treatment or help with some of these health costs.
help and advice to make sure your home has good heating and insulation to keep you warm and help if you are struggling to pay your energy bills.
Housing benefit provides help towards rent costs and some housing service charges for people on a low income or wage.
Universal Credit is replacing Housing Benefit for many working age people.
How to challenge a benefit decision.
There are grants available to help pay for changes to your home (adaptations) and equipment to help you live independently and comfortably at home for longer
Identity theft is a crime where criminals steal your personal details and use them to open bank accounts, get credit cards, loans, state benefits, or identity documents.
is a way of protecting yourself and your belongings against a particular adverse event, for example, a burglary or a serious accident.
To connect to the internet you need a telephone line and to pay for a broadband connection. You can also access WiFi.
A learning disability is a life-long condition. It affects a person’s ability to communicate or to do everyday things. People with a learning disability find it harder than others to learn, understand and communicate.
Loan sharks are unlicensed money lenders who often charge very high interest rates. They sometimes use threats and violence to frighten people who can’t pay back their loan. You can get help if you have borrowed money from a loan shark or suspect one is working in your area.
Some people have difficulties making decisions. This could be due to a learning disability, dementia, a mental health problem, or a brain injury
Plan ahead to manage your affairs. There may be a point in your life where you are unable to manage your finances and need someone to do this for you. Or if you care for a family member or friend, you may need to step in to manage their finances and other affairs, if they are unable to do so themselves.
How to budget to manage your money well, to avoid getting into debt and to save some money for the future.
If you are finding it difficult to prepare your own meals and have no other way of getting a main meal, you may want to consider applying to have hot meals delivered to your home.
Mental health is about how we think, feel and behave. 1 in 4 people in the UK have a mental health problem which affects their daily life, relationships or physical health.
Ways to save money at Christmas, help the environment or a good cause.
The system for paying for care can be quite complicated. The amount you pay depends upon your circumstances.
There are a number of ways of paying for goods and services in shops, online or by post.
Pension Credit is a benefit to help those of pension age top up their income and an extra payment for those who have saved for retirement.
A personal budget is the money that Adult Social Care at Newcastle City Council will pay towards your care and support. Having a personal budget can give you more control over your care and support.
PIP is a benefit to help towards some of the extra costs associated with ill-health or disability
Whatever stage of adult life you have reached, it is important to think about planning ahead for your future care, later life, end of life and your estate after death.
is a legal document, which authorises one or more people to handle your finances, health and welfare. You can set up a lasting power of attorney for a limited time, or longer.
Ways to make more out of your money.
Online or cyber crime is something that we all need to be aware of. Be aware and stay alert to this to protect yourself and your personal information. If in doubt don’t click any links
The State Pension is a payment you receive if you have paid enough National Insurance contributions by the time you retire.
If you are seeking asylum in Newcastle there are a number of local services that can help with support and advice.
This article signposts you to support and help if you are on a low income.
Key taxes that you may have to pay include: Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax, Stamp Duty, Value Added Tax and certain other duties.
Tax Credits include: Child Tax Credits and Working Tax Credits. They are being replaced by Universal Credit and Pension Credit
Setting up a trust means you give your money or property to someone else so you no longer own it. Some people use trusts to leave money to others when they die.
Universal Credit is replacing six working-age means-tested benefits. It provides one payment which takes into account housing, employment, children and income.
There are a number of state funded financial benefits which you maybe eligible to receive which will help to improve your quality of life and the cost of living.
Wellbeing Hubs are warm welcoming place to spend time in Newcastle. Local venues, such as libraries and community centres, offer a range of support such as hot drinks, free Wi-Fi, place to charge your devices, information, advice and more.
Find out more about places where you can receive legal advice in Newcastle.