Children and Families Newcastle Early Help at Newcastle City Council

Early Help can support your family to stay on track. Being a parent or carer can be a tough job. You don’t need to face challenges on your own. You can ask for help with an ongoing problem or get help to prevent one from happening. They have hubs in Newcastle where you can help information, help, training and advice:

Children and Families Hubs in Newcastle

Location in Newcastle Community Hubs (including Autism)
North Fawdon Children’s Centre

The Haven

Gosforth Library

East Byker Sands Family Centre

West Walker Family Centre

St Martin’s Centre, Byker

Inner West Cowgate Centre

Carnegie Community Hub, Benwell

NunsMoor Centre

Families Matter at Blakelaw

Outer West Galafield Centre

Charlton Street Hub in Lemington

Are you worried about the safety of a child or young person?

In an emergency or if someone’s life is at risk call 999.

You might be worried that a child or young person is experiencing, or at risk of, abuse and neglect. If you are told about or witness an incident of abuse, are the victim of abuse or think abuse may be happening you can: