Day centres and services

What are Day Services?

Day services are places that you can go for a day or half a day, where you can:

  • meet new people
  • enjoy a meal and join in social activities
  • learn new skills
  • get care and support, if you need it

You can pay for this support yourself. Or some people may be eligible for support from Adult Social Care.

How to access Day Services

You can contact the organisations directly to arrange and pay for your own support. There is a cost for day services.

Adult Social CarePoint at Newcastle City Council give information and support to adults in Newcastle who are struggling at home with day to day activities. For example, community activities, moving around your home, eating, washing or caring for someone. Call for a chat, email them or fill in their online form. They will listen and talk to you about your situation. They can signpost you to local services and help to arrange support to meet your needs.

Day centres in Newcastle

Day services are based in a building, known as a day centre. You can attend for full days or half days. There is usually a cost for these services.

You can take part in activities and get support from staff. This might be helpful if you find it difficult to move around or need help with personal care. The service includes transport, a meal and refreshments. Staff are available to help you and to organise activities.

Day Centres for older people

St Anthony of Padua day service is for older people and people with physical disabilities or mental health needs. Activities include:

  • toast, tea and a homemade lunch
  • transport to safely collect and drop off at the beginning and end of each day
  • therapeutic activities such as hairdressing, aromatherapy and nail treatments
  • variety of activities planned by the people who attend the centre, including bingo, crafts, games etc.
  • personal care including bathing
  • armchair exercises
  • outings and day trips
  • men’s group

Day Centres for people with learning disabilities

The Welford Centre for adults with learning disabilities. To use this service you need to be referred by Adult Social Care. Speak to Adult Social Care at Newcastle City Council for more information. The building is fully equipped with a range of resources including:

  • communication aids
  • physiotherapy equipment
  • specialist moving and handling equipment
  • rebound therapy room
  • sensory room
  • pottery room
  • meeting rooms
  • adult changing rooms with overhead hoists
  • large dining room
  • shower rooms with specialist shower trays
  • kitchens for cookery
  • art and craft room

Journey Enterprises has a Day Centre in Kenton, where they provides activities, life-skills and employability training for autistic adults and people with learning disabilities. Activities include arts and crafts, catering, drama and puppetry, music and dance, IT, horticulture, woodwork and health and exercise. You can contact them directly. Transport is available. This is a local charity. There is a cost for this service

Lunch and tea clubs

You may be able to get lunch as part of your day centre arrangement.  If not, see our Food and Friends article for lunch, tea and evening opportunities as well as coffee mornings and foodie activities.

Support to access activities in the community

Newcastle Reconnects is run by Age UK Gateshead in Newcastle at the Dene Centre for people with a long term condition (not dementia) including: respiratory problems, arthritic conditions, Epilepsy, unstable diabetes, severe hypertension, incontinence and catheterisation, Parkinson’s disease.  To use this free service, contact Age UK if you live in the West of the City.

Chain Reaction supports older people (over 55) to live independently in the community. They help you to access groups and services in your local area. It’s provided by 3 partner organisations:

They promote the use of community-based resources and facilities, Chain Reaction help people to lead happier, healthier lives. They support and sustain friendships to combat social isolation and increase a sense of good emotional health and wellbeing.

Together they have knowledge and experience of working with older people, those who have a learning disability, and people with poor mental health.

Ways to Wellness service helps people in the West of Newcastle to manage their long term health conditions, through activities such as:

  • getting involved in local groups and activities
  • accessing specialist services and support
  • healthy eating and getting more active
  • getting support around benefits and welfare rights

Social prescribing link workers also help people to access local groups and activities and help people manage their income and welfare.  Access these through your GP.

Last updated: November 1, 2024