Getting repairs and decorating done
If you need repairs doing to your home, help is available to you whether you are a home owner, council tenant or private tenant.
Find reliable tradespeople online
You can use these websites to find a registered and competent tradespeople, electricians or gas engineers in your area.
Checked and Vetted is the North East website where you can find vetted tradespeople online. This local company also has a telephone helpline to help you find a tradesperson and offers more support to choose the right tradesperson for you.
Electrical Competent Person find registered electricians
Gas Safe Register find registered Gas Engineers
Online directories of tradespeople
Local Heroes a website directory backed by British Gas. They offer local tradesmen such as plumbers, and heating engineers but are trying to build their directory to include tilers and decorators. is a website where you can find a reliable tradesperson near you to carry out work on your home.
TrustMark find vetted and reliable tradespeople
Which? Trusted Traders find builders, plumbers, gardeners or mechanics that have been assessed and checked by Which? trading standards professionals, before being endorsed.
Trust a Trader find a reliable trader in your area and leave feedback
Buy with confidence find businesses which have been vetted and approved by Trading Standards to ensure that they operate in a legal, honest and fair way.
Newcastle Council Housing tenants
Repairs Centre – Newcastle City Council can organise and carry out repairs to your home. Most repairs will be carried out within five working days but may take longer if specialist parts are needed.
Many council tenants believe that the council automatically insures their furniture, belongings and decorations against fire, theft, vandalism or water damage – this is not the case. Tenants are advised to take out household contents insurance either through a scheme arranged by Newcastle City Council or by making their own private arrangements.
Housing associations or social housing tenants
Speak to your landlord if you need help to repair or maintain your home. Local housing associations include:
- Anchor
- Bernicia
- Byker Community Trust
- Castles to Coasts
- Home Group
- Housing 21
- Karbon Homes
- Johnnie Johnson Housing
- Leazes Homes
- Methodist Homes Housing Association (MHA)
- Places for People
- Railway Housing Association
- Riverside Housing
Byker Community Trust carry out repairs for their tenants. You can report repairs online, email, in person or by phone. They are responsible for most repairs to your home. Some repairs are the tenants own responsibility. For example, if you lose your keys need new door locks, you will be charged for this work. They will tell you if you have to pay for your repair.
Private tenants in rented housing
If you need repairs doing to your rented home, your landlord is usually responsible for carrying out and paying for most general repairs and maintenance. You should check your tenancy agreement in case you are responsible for some repairs.
Newcastle Private Rented Service can help you resolve problems with your landlord and check your tenancy agreement.
Housing Advice Centre or Shelter North East can provide someone to go through your tenancy agreement with you if you need help.
See Having problems with home maintenance for more information, including what to do if you’re having trouble getting your landlord to do the work.
Older people in West Newcastle
Search Newcastle run a handyperson service for older people living in the West End of Newcastle. They can help with smalls repairs, home maintenance and gardening.
Help for homeowners to get repairs done
CareHub offers a local service to older people who need extra help around the home with small Maintenance jobs.
Checked and Vetted can support you to find a reliable tradesperson on their hotline telephone service.They can:
- contact the tradesmen on your behalf
- arrange quotes
- arrange for the most suitable tradesmen to do the job
- and arrange any aftercare required.
Caring Hands Charity have a handyman and gardening service in the East End.
Help with the cost of maintenance and repairs
There is help available if you are struggling to cover the cost of maintaining your home. Options may include local authority loans and grants, lifetime mortgages, private and charitable funding or a combination of these.
Turn2us is a charity where you find charitable funds and grants to apply for, when you need money for essential things in life. For example, furniture, household items, white goods, electrical items, studying, bringing up children, experiencing life changing circumstances and more. They have a telephone helpline, benefits calculator and online information.
Independence at Home provide small grants for people who have a physical disability, learning disability or long term illness and are in financial need. Their grants include:
- Home Adaptations
- Communications Equipment
- House Repairs
- Kitchen Equipment
You can’t apply directly to this scheme. A professional health, social care or advice service worker can help you to apply for a grant.
Affordable credit and loans are available if you need them.
Emergency funds and support are available if you are in a crisis situation like a fire or flood has damaged your home and your health or safety is at risk. If you receive benefits you may be able to ask for a discretionary payment or loan to help you with unexpected costs for an item that you need to buy.
Getting a new mortgage on your home may be an option for home owners. Speak to your mortgage provider to find out if they can offer you a bigger or an additional mortgage to help pay for home improvements. Independent financial advice is a good idea
Equity release schemes are an option for home owners. You can release some of the value of your home and use it to pay for home improvements. It’s a good idea to get independent financial advice before making any decisions.
Help with other household costs
Read more on InformationNOW about:
Help with Heating Problems and How to Pay for Them
Cost of living increase – managing on a low income
Adapting or changing your home
Your home can be changed to suit you better for example, if you are finding it harder to move around, cook, go to the toilet or get washed.
Home adaptations, equipment or aids can help you to live safely and independently at home for longer.
Care & Repair Newcastle is a home improvement agency. They help people to adapt their homes who are unable to do so themselves. They support disabled people, older people and vulnerable people to live independently and safely at home for longer. To use this service you will need to meet their eligibility criteria. This may also be means tested. Contact them for more information. They can help you to:
- apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) to pay for adaptations to your home
- access loan equipment such as a stair lift, ceiling track hoist or ramp
- arrange for approved contractors to carry out adaptations to your home
- get information and advice on moving home if it’s not possible to make changes to your home
- apply for Minor Adaptations and Repairs Service (MARS) who can help you to make small changes to your home. Such as, fitting hand or grab rails
- apply for a Gas Safety Grant
Last updated: November 15, 2024