5 February 2025 InfoNOW News
5 February 2025
Did you know on www.informationnow.org.uk there is a wide range of over 350 information topics you can read? Our information pages give you an overview of the topic, useful information as well as useful organisations and contacts.
For example…
Read more:
Having your say about health and care services
Disability Rights
Support for your rights as a LGBTQ+ person
Advocacy support to get your voice heard
Accessible information
P.S. Want to add your events and activities to InformationNOW? Use our quick and easy events form here
is a website that helps you keep up to date useful information about a vulnerable person. This can be shared with the police if they are lost or go missing. Carers, family members and friends can complete the online forms to give details about the person you care for including: medication needed, emergency contacts, places they’ve lived previously and photographs.
Creating an online document on Safe and found online is:
Safe and Found Online can help you create copies of:
The Herbert Protocol, designed to help in the search for people living with dementia or who are vulnerable due to care needs. It can include information on their health and where they may have been found before.
The Forcer Protocol, designed to help in the search for missing service veterans, including information on their vulnerabilities and where they have been found before.
These forms can be accessed immediately online by Northumbria Police if needed.
There is a paper version of the Herbert Protocol form available from Northumbria Police to download if you cant get online or prefer
Read more on InformationNOW about Dementia Friendly Newcastle
The next Newcastle Neighbourhood Network events will take place in September. These events connect people across the health, social care, voluntary, community, housing, sport, leisure, uniformed services and social enterprise sectors.
North Neighbourhood network
12 September 2024, Montagu Estate Residents Association (MERA), NE3 4RJ
17 September, Heaton Community Centre, NE6 5DY
Inner West Neighbourhood network
19 September, The Beacon, NE4 9PQ
Outer West Neighbourhood network
11 September 2024, Galafield Centre, NE5 1LZ
If you would like an access guide to any of the venues ahead of the network events please contact [email protected]
Read more on InformationNOW about Newcastle Neighbourhoods
NHS 111 can help if you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis. Trained staff ask you a series of questions to understand your problem. They can then arrange for a clinician to call you, or offer support and advice over the phone. They may arrange an appointment for you at an urgent treatment centre or an ambulance if needed. This service is provided by North East Ambulance Service. Call NHS 111 and select option 2 for urgent mental health support. NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Read more about mental health emergency or crisis services on Information Now
The Women-Only Treatment Space (WOTS) offers holistic and wellbeing activities for women with recovery needs in Newcastle. Co-production is a core component of the space, so the suggestions and ideas of the women will directly influence what is delivered. Tea, coffee and breakfast pastries are also available for attendees to enjoy. The space is open every Tuesday from 10 am to 1 pm at Recovery College Collective.
The WOTS operates on a drop-in basis so no referral is needed for a woman to attend. Please email [email protected] for further information.
Read more about ReCoCo: The Recovery College Collective on Information Now
Tyneside cinema are now offering a £2 Benefit Ticket for people who might not otherwise be able to afford it. This includes:
To book a £2 ticket speak to a member of the Box Office team, on the Ground Floor of the cinema. You will need to bring proof of your eligibility for a £2 Benefit Ticket. Such as, a recent, dated paper document that details your application to receive support, or your ongoing receipt of these benefits. Or a recent bank statement that shows a deposit from the Department of Work and Pensions (This usually appears as DWP on bank statements).
For Refugees and Asylum Seekers they accept any photographic ID that you may have been issued during your registration as a Refugee or Asylum Seeker.
If you are eligible for a £2 Benefit Ticket but are concerned that you will have difficulty providing evidence please do speak to the Box Office team and they will see what they can do to ensure you are able to access the scheme
Read more on InformationNOW about managing your money
Coming soon
Join the Age Proud Newcastle network in marking International Day of Older People, this October. This year’s theme is: “The part we play”: Celebrating the integral role of older people in our communities.
Visit our calendar of events on InformationNOW to see the activities taking place across the city organised by our local organisations.
Are you organising an event during Older People’s Month? Complete our online form to add your events to InformationNOW
Reading for Wellbeing Newcastle have 2 new sessions to encourage people to read or listen to books for their own wellbeing,
8 October 2024, 10:30am , City Library
Join the Co-Create cafe to learn about projects the reading for wellbeing team are working on across the city, hear about ways to improve wellbeing through reading. Share your ideas to help shape the future of their services.
11 September 2024, 10:30am to 12pm, East End Library
A book club for people with learning disabilities and/or autism. Come along to explore word-free picture stories and listen to poetry.
Share your thoughts and feelings as much or as little as you like in a pressure-free, relaxed space with a cuppa and a biscuit
Read more about Reading for Wellbeing Newcastle and their actvities
Pottery Bank community centre are inviting people to come and sign up to their wide range of free courses that are available. Courses include:
– Adult Cooking
– Take home Family Cooking
– Growing (gardening)
– Embroidery
– Arts & Crafts
Excercise and more.
Refreshments Included.
Read more about this event here
Read more on InformationNOW about Lifelong Learning
The Just Building Bridges Exhibition is open to everyone, showcasing photographs, films and zines created by refugees and sanctuary seekers.
Themes and topics were chosen based on the group’s personal experiences and ideas around ‘building bridges’ to justice. The artwork was created in workshops facilitated by Theresa Easton, a lecturer in Fine Art at Newcastle University; Carl Joyce, a photographer and filmmaker; and Michael Quille, a writer and editor from the Culture Matters co-operative.
Read more on InformationNOW about how you can help refugees and asylum seekers
Citizens Advice Newcastle and Newcastle University are working together to undertake research into people claiming universal credit who have been sanctioned. The purpose is to understand the impact of sanctions on people claiming universal credit. The research includes a short survey.
You can complete the survey online here.
Read more on InformationNOW about Universal Credit
Newcastle City Council is currently considering expanding their offer of social care support for people with a mental health diagnosis and eligibility under the Care Act
They are asking for feedback and opinions of people who have experience of using social care support, as well as those who may want to (or need to) use it in the future, as well as their carers, relatives and family members.
This includes people who either live on their own, with families/friends, in a housing with support setting or are currently in residential care but are hoping to move back into the community.
Complete the Mental health social care support survey on Lets Talk
If you have any questions or need this survey in a different format such as large print please contact
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0191 278 7878
Read more on InformationNOW about Mental Health
Sport England have produced new guidance to help ensure sport and leisure facilities are safe, welcoming and accessible to all.
Aimed at planners, architects, building owners and operators, the Accessible and inclusive sports facilities (AISF) guidance comes from research and good practice encourages the design of spaces that reduce or remove barriers to being more active.
That includes creating and maintaining facilities that are accessible to disabled people and meet the needs of our vibrant and diverse communities, such as those related to faith, sex, sexuality and gender identity.
Read the new guidance for accessible and inclusive facilities from Sport England
Read the Accessible document versions of the guidance
Read more on InformationNOW about Physical and leisure activities
The WE-EngAGE (Wellbeing, Engagement, Ageing) research project aims to explore experiences of people aged 55+ related to leisure and health.
They are looking for people aged 55 year and over to take part in a short survey and a online focus group.
People who take part in both the survey and focus group will get a £25 high street gift voucher. The project is led by University College London in partnership with the University of Edinburgh
read the participant information sheet about taking part here
You can complete the survey online here.
If you have any questions about this form or need any support completing it, please contact [email protected]
Read more on InformationNOW about leisure activities
Northumbria PCC to provide Domestic Abuse Routine Enquiry (DARE) toolkit training to frontline professionals across Northumberland, North Tyneside, Newcastle, Gateshead, South Tyneside, and Sunderland.
The DARE toolkit training is CPD accredited and consists of three half days over three consecutive weeks of online training as follows:
Week 1 – How to identify domestic abuse perpetrators.
Week 2 – How to explore risks & context associated with domestic abuse perpetrators.
Week 3 – How to engage domestic abuse perpetrators and nudge them into specialist services.
This free training is open to any professional working in Northumbria. Training is delivered online via Microsoft Teams.
Current dates available:
Monday 7 October, 9.30 am to 2.30 pm, 2nd Floor Meeting Room, One Strawberry Lane, Newcastle, NE1 4BX
As part of our Volunteering Newcastle Service, we are offering a free in-person LGBTQIA+ training on Monday 7 October. This training is eligible to organisations operating in Newcastle.
This training will be delivered by Curious Arts in partnership with Northern Pride and is designed to support your understanding of LGBTQIA+ inclusion to better support your volunteers. This training is funded under the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, administered by the North East Combined Authority (NECA).
Wednesday 25 September, 10.00 am to 12 pm, Innovation Hub, Ground Floor, One Strawberry Lane, Newcastle, NE1 4BX
This networking forum, run by Volunteer Centre Newcastle and Connected Voice, offers an opportunity for attendees to access the new Volunteering Health Check and complete it in a group-based session, benefitting from the insights of others in the VCSE sector.
This session will be in-person and interactive, with guided group-based discussion and networking opportunities with other VCSE organisations. Attendees will come away with a plan of action and the opportunity to access free follow-up support from Connected Voice and Volunteer Centre Newcastle.
The session is free and open to anyone involved in recruiting or managing volunteers, including those looking to set up a volunteer programme in Newcastle.
Date: Wednesday 25th September Time: 1pm to 4pm
Venue: St Silas Church Hall, Clifford St, Byker, Newcastle, NE6 1DR.
Newcastle Stop Smoking+ Service are hosting a health and wellbeing event on Wednesday 25th September to promote their free stop smoking service, alongside other health initiatives in the city.
The event will be a great opportunity to learn more about the risks of smoking, the benefits of quitting and free specialist support from our service. There will also be other health services as well to provide a range of support.
No need to book, just come along.
See more about the event on InformationNOW
Read more about Giving up smoking
Memory Cafe at City Library, every Tuesday 10.30am. Level 2 at City library.
A safe space for people with memory loss and their carers to spend time together, meet others and take part in activities
Read more about this event on InformationNOW
Read more about dementia friendly activities on InformationNOW
Families 1st 4 Additional Needs run a weekly men’s group on Thursdays 6pm to 8pm with games and activities. Professional support and advice is available. Book a place to attend
Read more about support groups on InformationNOW
The Newcastle Allotment & Garden Festival 2024 will be held in Exhibition Park, on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September. People from across the region come together to show off their produce and celebrate growing with a range of activities and entertainment for the whole family.
It’s free entry and fun for all the family. This years festival promises an array of activities, workshops, talks, wellbeing sessions, live music and more across the park. Including:
Read more on InformationNOW about Urban Green Allotment and Garden Festival
2 September 11am to 2pm
A fun day with performances, activities, free goody bags and information about what is on in your local area. Other stalls and activities include:
Read more about Kenton Community Fun Day on Information Now
6th to 15th September 2024
Every September thousands of volunteers across England organise events to celebrate our history and culture. It’s your chance to see hidden places and try out new experiences – all of which are FREE to explore.
From museums to art galleries, Heritage Open Days provide the opportunity to visit places of historical and cultural significance for free.
Newcastle Libraries are running a series of free events this September including:
Read more on InformationNOW about this year’s events and how to book your place.
20 October 2024, 10:30am to 3pm. NUCastle Diana Street, NE4 6BQ
Newcastle Youth Day and The British Heart Foundation are hosting an event in Newcastle, for all young people aged 13 to 16 years living with a heart condition. There will be a range of interactive games, virtual reality experiences, and opportunities to connect with others who truly understand what it’s like to live with a heart condition. It promises to be a really fun day!
This event is held at NUCASTLE Centre, just a quick stroll from St. James’ Park
Read more about Newcastle Youth Day on InformationNOW
Launch event 19 September 2024, 6pm to 8pm
Concrete Dreams is a nine-month programme at the Farrell Centre of exhibitions, installations, events and workshops exploring how Tyneside was transformed during 1960s and 1970s and how we might reimagine the city of today.
The programme kicks off in September with the exhibition, Brasília of the North, which includes a range of iconic exhibits such as the vast Newcastle city model, the original model for the Trinity Square Carpark, a Metro ‘cube’, plus maps, books, drawings, photographs and films.
Read more about Concrete Dreams on InformationNOW
Free weekly football and badminton sessions, for refugees over the age of 16 who are not in full time employment or education. Get active and make new friends at Newcastle United Foundation’s United for Sanctuary session.
The sessions are held at NUCASTLE and other locations across Newcastle.
Upcoming sessions:
29 August Football at Walker Central Football Club
4 September Football at Westgate community college
6 September Badminton at NUCASTLE
Read more about United for sanctuary events
Read more on InformationNOW about support for refugees and asylum seekers
Older people’s month October 2024
Date: Wednesday 2 Oct 2024 Time: 2.30 pm – 3.30 pm Cost: Free
Discovery Museum’s new exhibition explores the story of energy in the North East by looking back to the industrial revolution, and forward to the pioneering contributions in green technologies happening now across the North East region. You can take part in a free guided tour as part of Older People’s Month.
Please email [email protected] to book a place.
Read more about Steam to Green Exhibition at Discovery Museum on Information Now
Diabetes UK Wellness Walk is taking place on Sunday the 1st of September. You can take part in an 8-mile walk through the city, starting and finishing at Exhibition Park. See the route map here. The walk aims to raise over £100,000 for Diabetes UK so they can continue to fund life changing research and support those living with, affected by and at risk of diabetes.
Each walker will receive a T-shirt and finishers medal. You can also take part in some of wellness activities, speak to healthcare professionals and enjoy the finishers area which includes giant games, gratitude boards, stretch zones and refreshments.
Sign up to participate in the walk. Take on the challenge as a team, individually or with friends and family. Everyone is welcome including four legged friends!
You can volunteer to help at the wellness walk. This role includes helping with set up and handing out medals to finishers Find out more about volunteering at the walk here.
30 August 2024 4pm to 6pm, Pendower good neighbour project, sunnybank centre, NE15 6SD
Home/Lands chronicles is a musical exploration of home and what it means to belong. The family session includes arts & crafts, live music performances led by saxophonist and composer Alicia gardener-Trejo, food and the unveiling of a new community mural.
This session is family friendly and free.
Read more on InformationNOW about Pendower Good Neighbour Project
New organisation
Living Well North provide support, cleaning and companionship services for people in Newcastle, and across the North East.
Living Well North are a not for profit company owned by Age UK Gateshead
Read more on InformationNOW about Help with shopping and prescriptions
Updated organisation
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) are a free, confidential, NHS advice service. They help patients, their families and carers give feedback on NHS services. This includes all NHS services in Newcastle, North Tyneside and Northumberland, the North East Ambulance Service. PALS can:
Read more about How to complain about health services on InformationNOW
New Organisation
Headway Tyneside helps people affected by brain injury across the North East live a better life, by providing support, education, events and clinical services.
Read more about Headway Tyneside on Information Now
Independent Age run the Grief Chat service. This is online emotional support for bereaved people, access to trained bereavement counsellors and referral into other specialist bereavement services.
Read more about Bereavement and grief on Information Now
There are support groups in Newcastle that give you the chance to talk to people who have experienced the same issues as you, talk to each other, get information, support and advice. Groups can support you through difficulties and offer emotional support.
Read more on InformationNOW about Support Groups
updated article
Bereavement is something which happens to almost everyone at some point in their lives. The death of someone close to you, whether it was expected or sudden, can be an extremely difficult time, and you will experience many different emotions. Going through this process of emotions and experiences is known as grief. There is a range of support locally and nationally to help.
Read more on InformationNOW about Bereavement and grief
Last updated: August 30, 2024