Staying Safe

Newcastle is a great city to live in but you may want to think about protecting yourself, your family and your home. Read more here about how to protect yourself from crime and what to do if the worst happens.

All staying safe articles

Addiction is when you are unable to stop yourself from, taking a chemical, drug, substance or carrying out an activity. Even if it causes you or others mental and physical harm. Common addictions are alcohol, drugs, gambling or sex.

Please report any abuse in Newcastle. Abuse can be emotional, physical, sexual, financial, discriminatory, exploitation, psychological, organisational, domestic, neglect, self neglect or modern slavery.

Whether you are drinking to socialise, cope with difficult times or just to relax, you may not realise how much you are drinking and the damage it could cause. A small change can make a lasting difference to your health. Local help and support is available

Anti-social behaviour can range from dropping litter to serious harassment. It can have a major negative effect on your health and your quality of life.

is a life-long condition which affects a person’s ability to communicate or to do everyday things. This page has more information about local support organisations and groups in Newcastle.

People who call at your home unexpectedly or call you on the telephone might not always be who they say they are.

The Message in a Bottle scheme helps you store your personal and medical information in your fridge door, so it can found quickly by emergency services. This simple idea could help to save your life.

If you have hearing loss or a hearing impairment you can find local support and equipment.

can happen to anyone. It’s described as any incident or pattern of incidents that are: controlling, coercive, threatening, violent.

Concerned about drug use in your local area? Worried about your own or someone you love’s use of drugs or alcohol? Support and advice is available.

Things to look out for to keep your home and belongings safe

In a life threatening or emergency situation dial 999 to contact the Fire, Police, Ambulance, or Coast Guard service.

Emollients are a type of moisturiser used to help treat skin conditions. They are flammable so here’s some tips on how to use them safely.

English as a second language or other language (ESOL) classes can help you to learn English. There are a range of classes and sessions available in Newcastle.

Many house fires can be prevented by following these simple steps.

A list of charities and voluntary groups where you can get free food parcels when you can’t afford to buy food.

Sensible precautions you can take to make yourself less likely to be the victim of crimes such as fraud or scams.  How to report fraud.

Looking for a hot meal or low cost food in Newcastle? Find voluntary groups and charities that cook meals for the community across Newcastle.

A hate crime or incident are acts of violence, aggression, prejudice or hostility directed at someone because of their, race or ethnicity, religion or belief, transgender identity, sexual orientation, disability or age.

Read more about NHS services and how to use them, including translators

Affordable family clothing including school uniform, interview outfits and special occasions.

If you are not happy with the service or goods that you have received you can make a complaint, or in some cases you may be able to return the goods and secure a refund.

How to spot and raise any concerns that someone is being radicalised

A learning disability is a life-long condition. It affects a person’s ability to communicate or to do everyday things. People with a learning disability find it harder than others to learn, understand and communicate.

Loan sharks are unlicensed money lenders who often charge very high interest rates. They sometimes use threats and violence to frighten people who can’t pay back their loan. You can get help if you have borrowed money from a loan shark or suspect one is working in your area.

Mental health is about how we think, feel and behave. 1 in 4 people in the UK have a mental health problem which affects their daily life, relationships or physical health.

Neighbourhood Watches are ran by volunteers to help make sure the area remains safe and to prevent crime. There may be a Neighbourhood Watch in your local area.

If you have a problem with noise in your neighbourhood there are several courses of action you can take, depending upon the seriousness of the problem.

There are some precautions that you can take to help reduce your chances of being a victim of crime, assault or violence.

There are several types of problems that you may experience in your neighbourhood. You may have noisy neighbours, or you may be experiencing verbal abuse or threats from someone in your area.

Online or cyber crime is something that we all need to be aware of. Be aware and stay alert to this to protect yourself and your personal information. If in doubt don’t click any links

Home security is the best way to reduce your chances of being burgled. Some basic tips are listed in this section. Many of them are common sense, but they could make all the difference to the safety of your home.

A lot of crime is against cars, motorbikes and bicycles; either the theft of them, or from them. Most of this crime can be prevented by following some simple tips, which are detailed in this section.

Commissioned services, have a contract with Newcastle City Council to provide a service. There is an agreement in place to provide a service for a certain amount of money. The organisation must meet the quality standards set by the council.

Find out more about your body, protection, screening, check ups, relationships and services available.

a helpful list of equipment and aids that you can buy to help make life easier.

Broadband and mobile networks can run slower when lots of people and devices are connected to them. Whether you’re working from home, streaming music, TV or films, gaming or making video or internet calls, there are things you can try to speed up your internet connection.

Identifying as a LGBTQ+ person can sometimes lead to harassment, bullying, hate crime or discrimination (treated less by others because of who you are). You have rights and support is available if you are experiencing problems.

There are a range of support groups in Newcastle that help, advise and support people through difficulties including offering emotional support to those people dealing with illness, social isolation, end of life or a long term condition.


This article explains the housing and support services that are available for people with a learning disability or autism.

Vandalism and graffiti can contribute greatly to the fear of crime. Find out how to report it here.

There are many ways that you can deal with crime or community safety issues. This section explains some of these, giving contact details of those who can help.

Wellbeing Hubs are warm welcoming place to spend time in Newcastle. Local venues, such as libraries and community centres, offer a range of support such as hot drinks, free Wi-Fi, place to charge your devices, information, advice and more.

Severe or extreme weather can include: high winds, thunderstorms, ice, snow, lightning, heavy rain and extreme heat or fog. This can cause problems with travelling, flooding, power cuts, loss of water supply, damage to property and injuries. When there are weather warnings in place there are a few things that you can do to protect yourself and others.