InfoNOW News 13th October 2023

InfoNOW News 13th October 2023

Adults Caring for Adults Survey 2023-24

National Carers Survey Your chance to be heard

If you’re an adult, caring for an adult in Newcastle, you may soon receive a survey from Newcastle Council. The survey is to help understand more about your experience of being a carer: your quality of life and your views on services you receive.

The more people who take part, the more useful the results. This will help improve services locally.

Please complete the confidential survey and return it by post. If you need help you can:

If you support people caring for others and they receive a survey, please support them to complete the questions if needed..

For information on previous carers surveys please visit Adult care and support reports and surveys on Newcastle City Council’s website

Read more on InformationNOW about Looking after someone

Community Health check in service

On Monday 9 October a new Community Health Outreach service launched in Newcastle by Newcastle GP Services and Newcastle University School of Pharmacy.

The service will initially offer health check-ins (including blood pressure checks and cholesterol monitoring), and advice, with more services to follow, and will be for adults 18+ only. From November, the service will be delivered from a purpose-built health bus.

More information on the service including where and when they will be providing services are on the NGPS website here .

May be a graphic of hospital and text that says "health check ins Newcastle University NGPS NEWCASTLE SERVICES Get health advice, your blood pressure checked, or your cholesterol monitored by our Community Health Services team throughout Newcastle, from October this year Find out when we are in your area here NHS Providing NHS services Û"

For more information or to get involved, please contact Emily Maughan on [email protected]

Read more on InformationNOW about Using your doctor or GP

Tax Credit advice

The  national government have sent a leaflet to people in receipt of Tax Credit which has caused confusion around the claiming of Universal Credit.
The September Benefit Bulletin ‘Universal Credit special’ covers this leaflet, and goes onto explain when you do (and don’t) need to claim Universal Credit.

You can also find out more about the move to Universal Credit on Newcastle City Council’s website

Read more on InformationNOW about Tax Credits

Priority services register reminder

As energy prices change and autumn is on the way, you may be eligible for extra help and support with your energy suppliers.
The Priority Services Register is a free support service that makes sure extra help for energy supply is available to people in vulnerable situations.

The extra help offered might be:

  • Priority support in an emergency.
  • Nominee scheme. You can nominate a family member, carer or someone you trust to receive communications and bills from your supplier.
  • Get information and support in an accessible format
  • Free gas safety checks every 12 months
  • Reconnection support and prepayment meter access suport.

Who should consider registering?

  • People who are 65+
  • People who are disabled or have a long-term medical condition
  • People who are pregnant and/or have young children
  • People who use medical equipment at home
  • People who would struggle to answer the door or get help in an emergency.

You can register on the priority services register in the U.K. and Get help from your supplier using the Priority service UK website here

Similar priority services exist for most Water suppliers and tele-communications companies

Read more on InformationNOW about Help with your gas and electricity 

Free Wills Month

October is Free Wills Month! This campaign brings together a group of UK charities to offer members of the public aged 55 and over the opportunity to have their simple Wills written or updated free of charge by using participating solicitors in locations across England, Northern Ireland and Wales.

For more information and to find which local solicitors are taking part in Wills month please go to:
visit the Free Wills Month website here 

Read more on InformationNOW about Wills

Urban Green café hours changed

As of 3 October 2023, both the Urban Green Cafes at Exhibition Park and Paddy Freeman’s Park will be closed on Tuesdays (except in half term holidays).

They are still open six days a week (Mondays and Wednesday to Sunday) at Exhibition Park and Paddy Freemans park. You can find out more about Urban Green cafes on their website

Read more on InformationNOW about Parks, forests and woodlands

Recruitment roadshows

Following the success of the Newcastle City Council and Your Homes Newcastle (YHN). recruitment roadshows earlier this year there are three more events across the city to highlight job opportunities available

There will be support available to help applicants find a job, support with applications and on the day interviews. If you know anyone who may be interested, let them know about these upcoming events.

Wednesday 18 October 2023
Recruitment roadshow  at St Martins centre, Byker, NE6 2RJ

Friday 27 October 2023
Recruitment roadshow at Newbiggin Hall, Newbiggin, NE5 1LZ

Thursday 9 November 2023
Recruitment roadshow  at YHN House, Benton Park road, NE7 7LX

To book contact the Skills Hub on 0191 277 4125, email [email protected] or text 07977730739

Read more on InformationNOW about Looking for a job

Mental Health conference

Thursday 9 November, 10am to 3pm, St James Park, Newcastle, NE1 4ST

The NIHR ARC NENC will be hosting a conference around mental health research and practice, ‘Strengthening mental health research and practice in the North East and North Cumbria’,

This event will bring together researchers, practitioners, mental health service providers and commissioners, members of the public to showcase research linked to mental health such as

  • homelessness,
  • suicide prevention,
  • maternal mental health,
  • mental health in schools,
  • supporting mental health in areas of deprivation.

More information on the event is available here

Book a space on EventBrite here

Read more on InformationNOW about Mental Health

Health Champions Webinar

Join Becky James from the Office for Health Inequalities and Disparities (OHID) and Richard Boggie from VONNE for a short lunchtime webinar  which highlights lessons from the North East and North Cumbria health champion programmes, drawing learning from local activity and presenting opportunities for future collaborative working.

You can find out more about the event here

Book a space here

Read more on InformationNOW about local community support

NTCA Mayor’s Newcastle Question Time

Tuesday, 24 October 2023, 6:30 to 7:30pm

North of Tyne Combined Authority (NTCA) Mayor’s Question Time is your opportunity to have a voice on the things that matter to you.

Mayor Jamie Driscoll will answer your questions at an event in Newcastle – The theme is net zero and how the devolution deal for the North East can help to reduce harmful carbon emissions across the region.
The Green New Deal Fund supports a wide range of projects across the region, including community energy schemes, electric vehicle charging solutions, building retrofits, small scale renewables, natural capital, and low carbon heating systems.

You can book a ticket to attend the event in person and pre-ask a question via Eventbrite here. 

You can book a ticket to to be part of the virtual Zoom audience for Mayor’s Question Time via Eventbrite here. 

Mayor’s Question Time is also live streamed on the Mayor’s Facebook page @NorthofTyneMayor.

Read more on North of Tyne Combined Authority on their website

Newcastle Health Inequalities Collaboration Day

Tuesday 14 November, to 4.15pm, Royal Station Hotel, Neville Street, Newcastle, NE1 5DH

This day is to discuss the realities of health inequalities in our region, to establish collaborative working to tackle these, as well as share ideas and current work.
This event is hosted by NUTH Health Inequalities Core Group Clinical Director Dr Maria Clement and is open to anyone with an interest in improving our population’s health.

Read more and register here
Any queries  please email:  [email protected]

Read more on InformationNOW about Staying healthy

The Big Ambition survey

Survey Deadline 15 December 2023

The Childrens commissioner has launched ‘The Big Ambition’, a new survey campaign to hear directly from children, young people, and parents across the country.
The survey is for all children and young people in England aged between 6 and 18 years old. Adults can also answer on behalf of a child or young person aged up to 18. If you work with children and young people please let them know about the survey.

To find out more head to The Big Ambition page.
To take part in the survey please visit the smartsurvey link here

Find out more about support and activities for children and families at Newcastle Support Directory

Read more on InformationNOW about Baby, children and young people’

Zero Emission vehicles infrastructure survey

Wednesday 25th October, City Library, NE1 8AX, 10am to 2pm

Transport North East have launched a consultation on their plan to deliver zero emission vehicle charging infrastructure across the North East. Public consultation on their draft North East Zero Emission Vehicle Strategy is now live until Tuesday 7 November 2023. This is part of the wider North East Transport 2035 strategy, which you can read on their website here

You can come along to a pop up consultation event to share your thoughts on the draft North East Zero Emission (ZEV) strategy in Newcastle on Wednesday 25th October, 10am to 2pm at City Library. No need to book you can just turn up.

There are also Online events to hear more about the draft strategy and share your views:

You can also Have your say and complete their online Survey here

Read more on InformationNOW about Transport

Urban Park Market

Urban Park Market are bringing their Urban pop up market events to Gosforth central park. Their urban markets are held in the park and offers a space to experience Food & Drinks, Arts & Crafts, Fashion & more.

Their next Monthly Market is on 28 October 10am to 3pm 

Read more on InformationNOW about Urban Park Market

Fashion show & pop up

Saturday 21 October 2023, St Martins Centre, Byker, NE6 2RJ

A fun packed fashion show with the opportunity to purchase high street clothes at a reduced price up to 50%! There will be 16 rails of high street clothes plus lots of accessories at the pop up store.  Tickets are £5 and include a welcome drink on arrival.
All proceeds will go to towards a community defibrillator.

For more information and to buy tickets please contact St Martins centre on 0191 276 4002

Read more on InformationNOW about Help with clothing

Deep Time Bodies, Dancing Together

Join a series of free dance workshops facilitated by Liz Pavey from Northumbria University leading to a performance at the Great North Museum: Hancock If you like dance, being creative, meeting new people of all ages and like sharing ideas as well as gaining new knowledge
this could be for you.
The sessions are on Thursday mornings at the Great North Museum from 10 am for refreshments with a 10.30 start for the dance. The first one is Thursday 26 October
For more information or to book a free place contact: [email protected]

Read more on InformationNOW about Deep Time bodies Dancing Together

N.E. Devolution and employment Debate

Wednesday 18 October 2023, 6 to 7pm,  The Catalyst, Newcastle Helix, NE4 5TG

In this special debate, hosted by Newcastle University INSIGHTS, key representatives from across our region will discuss how the new North East devolution deal could impact skills and employment in the North East.
The devolution deal will combine the local authorities of Northumberland, Newcastle, North Tyneside, Gateshead, South Tyneside, Sunderland, and County Durham. The devolution deal transfers new powers and a £1.4 billion investment fund over 30 years

How can we ensure we have the right skills to meet the needs of the future economy?
How can those opportunities be open to all and can regional devolution address the employment challenges facing our diverse urban, rural and coastal communities?

Join the free debate at The Catalyst, Newcastle Helix (nearby to the national Innovation centre for ageing) to address these questions and more, and find out what the North East devolution deal means for you.

Read more and book a space on InformationNOW

Targeting health inequalities – realising the potential of targets

There is a difference in life expectancy of 11 years for men and 8 years for women between the richest and poorest local authorities.
The Health Foundation have a new report exploring the use of long-term targets to tackle health inequalities across the UK.

Commissioned by The Health Foundation and produced by Newcastle University and the University of Strathclyde in partnership with Health Equity North, the report calls on the UK’s major political parties to use targets as part of a cross-government health inequalities strategy.

Read the summary of the report at here
Read the full report from the Health Foundation here

Read more on InformationNOW about Planning Ahead: a guide

NHS essential services access survey

Healthwatch surveyed people in England to assess their confidence levels in accessing 13 different NHS services, including A&E, ambulance services, non-urgent medical procedures, GPs, pharmacists, mental health services, and dental care. The results showed that a third of people surveyed had doubts about accessing healthcare in a timely manner.

Read the survey summary on Healthwatch Newcastle here:

Read more on InformationNOW about Having your say about health and care services

Literacy 100 Homelessness Charter

“Empowerment Through Literacy: A Charter for Adults with Experience of Homelessness has been introduced by the charity organization Literacy100.

The report showcases insights from professionals representing various sectors, including homelessness support, adult education, dyslexia advocacy, research, libraries, technology, local government, and reading/literacy charitable organizations.Read Homeless Link’s summary of the Literacy 100 Charter and Report here 

Read the full Empowerment through literacy report here
Read their charter for people with experience of being homelessness here 

Read more on InformationNOW about Homeless or worried about becoming homeless

Wear Red Day

Friday 20th October 2023

Show Racism the Red Card’s annual ‘Wear Red Day’ will be taking place on Friday 20th October.
Show Racism the Red Card was established in January 1996, thanks in part to a donation by then Newcastle United goalkeeper Shaka Hislop. The day is an opportunity to wear red in support of calling racism out.

You can register for show racism the red card’s education hub free resources here

You can download free promotional resources and social media images here

Read more on InformationNOW about Racial Discrimination


Public Health England’s Stoptober campaign is a 28 day challenge during October to encourage the local community to stop smoking. 95% of ex-smokers surveyed have revealed that they notice positive changes in their lives soon after quitting smoking!

Newcastle’s Stop Smoking+ Service supports adults and young people aged 11 and over to stop smoking through behavioural support and nicotine replacement therapy, among other techniques

You can contact the Newcastle Stop Smoking+ Service by email on [email protected] or phone on 0191 269 1103

Read more on InformationNOW about Giving up smoking

Postgraduate Futures Unwrapped 

A Postgraduate Futures Unwrapped’ event on October 21st, specifically for ethnically minoritised individuals/those from the Global Majority who are thinking of applying to a postgraduate degree at Newcastle University. Come along for free food and music, and to hear from those already at Newcastle about what life and study here is like.
May be a graphic of text that says "Newcastle University Postgraduate Futures Unwrapped! A Newcastle University Open Day for Ethnically-Minoritised Communities If you are Black, Asian, or from another ethnically minoritised have ever community thougof degree, and doing postgraduate us! please come join there will be Delicious Free Food from Sudanese, South Asian, and Afro-Caribbean caterers Live Music from Afro-Latin percussion & brass duet Ladies of ۔dnight Blue Panel Discussions with Q&As .Short Films .Information Stalls Scan for FREE tickets! 21 October 2023 11-3pm Frederick Douglass Centre, Helix, NE4 STG Newcastle-u upon-Tyne,"

Read more about Newcastle University Open day for ethnically minoritised communities and book a space on InformationNOW

Halloween spooktacular at Marie curie

Tuesday 31 October 1.30pm to 3.30pm Marie Curie Hospice, Elswick, NE4 6SS

Join a Halloween Spooktacular Drop in at Marie Curie Wellbeing centre on Halloween afternoon. This afternoon of fun includes a quiz, coffee, cake a friendly chat and more. This is open to inpatients,  outpatients their families and carers.

Marie Curie Wellbeing centre have a range of monthly drop-in groups for colleagues, patients and their families. These include:

No referral is necessary, and the drop-ins are completely free of charge. If you have any specific questions, please contact Angie Jackson, Wellbeing Centre Manager, on 0191 219 1000

Read more on Palliative and hospice care on Information Now

Hand Massage carers workshop

26 October 10.30am to 12pm

Come learn how to massage hands and make hand cream using essential oils with a Complementary Therapist at Newcastle Carers Westerhope carers café: Hand massage workshop

Read more on InformationNOW about Westerhope Carers cafe

Pendower Autumn event

Saturday 28 October 1pm to 3pm, The Sunnybank Centre, 12-14 Sunnybank Avenue, NE15 6SD

Come along and enjoy some Autumn family activities in the Sunnybank garden with people from the Pendower community and the Pendower Good Neighbour Project

  • Free soup and bread,
    apple juicing
  • cooking with HealthWorks
  • craft activities
  • Autumn games

Read more on InformationNOW about this event

Asian Mens Gup Shup

Monday 16 October 10.30am to 12pm
A social group for older asian men where you can socialise, make friends, and enjoy some food and drinks.

Read more on InformationNOW about Asian Men’s Gup Shup

Newbridge socials and coffee mornings

The NewBridge project provide a creative space for making, meeting and learning. They have coffee mornings and social meet ups regularly where all the community can join.

Saturday 14 October 2023 2pm to 5pm
Saturday Social at The NewBridge Project is a community get together with free tea, coffee, and snacks provided by Big River Bakery.
Monday 16 October 2023 11 am – 12:30 pm
Community Coffee Morning Pop in for a cup of coffee and biscuits at the NewBridge Project. Meet others working and living in the area.

Read more on InformationNOW about The NewBridge Project

Bread and Butter Thing Byker

New organisation

The Bread and Butter thing Byker opened on 13th October 2023. They are  an affordable mobile food club that offer weekly groceries at a fraction of high street grocery stores.

Read more on InformationNOW about The Bread and Butter Thing (Byker)
Read more on InformationNOW about Food help in Newcastle

North of Tyne & Gateshead Diabetic Eye Screening

New organisation

North of Tyne and Gateshead Diabetic Eye Screening service provides screening programmes for Health services and screening events for the public who don’t have access to diabetic eye screening.

Read more on InformationNOW about North of Tyne and Gateshead Diabetic Eye Screening 

Pendower Good Neighbour Project

New organisation

Pendower Good Neighbour Project  works with residents of Pendower Estate, in the west end of Newcastle to improve their quality of life and to make the estate a great place to live and bring up your family. They are based in a small neighbourhood centre on the estate.

Read more on InformationNOW about Pendower Good Neighbour Project

Gosforth and Jesmond Community Minibus

Updated organisation

The Gosforth and Jesmond Community Minibus is a a volunteer ran charity that provides minibus hire for local groups.
They also arrange regular monthly shopping and library trips, trips to the coast or countryside.

Read more on InformationNOW about Gosforth and Jesmond Community Minibus 

Gas and electricity

Updated article

Changing gas and electricity suppliers, dealing with problems or making complaints can be complicated and time-consuming. In this article, there is information about how you can get help to deal with these matters and to get the best service possible.

Read more on InformationNOW about Gas and electricity

Community centres and hubs

updated article

Community centres and hubs are a great way to meet new families, check on the health and wellbeing of your children and family, get involved in local activities and groupsmake new friends, keep fit

Read more on InformationNOW about Community Centres and Hubs 

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Best Wishes

Lauren and Richard

Richard White and Lauren Hoy: Prevention, Information and Advice Leads at Newcastle City Council

Last updated: October 13, 2023