Welfare Benefits are money provided by the government to people who are in need. There are a number of different benefits available. Find more below about the different types of benefits available and how to apply for them depending on your situation.
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There are a number of affordable credit options available to people in Newcastle who may be able to help you if you’ve been refused credit by other lenders.
Buying new white goods or electrical items for your home can be expensive and sometimes unexpected. There are affordable options and support to help
Furniture can be quite expensive, especially if you are in the process of moving house. There are affordable options and support available in Newcastle.
Attendance allowance is a benefit for people with disabilities or long term health problems who need support, care or supervision
is a life-long condition which affects a person’s ability to communicate or to do everyday things. This page has more information about local support organisations and groups in Newcastle.
A cap or limit on some benefits for those below state pension age.
There are several benefits for maternity, paternity, adoption and similar parental responsibilities
Bereavement benefit is a payment that may be made following the death of your husband, wife or civil partner, or from February 2023, some unmarried partners.
The Blue Badge Scheme allows people who have difficulty getting about to park their cars close to the sites and services that they need to use.
Carer’s allowance is a state benefit, for people over 16, who spend at least 35 hours a week caring for someone and the person you care for receives certain benefits.
carers can apply for funding to help improve their health and wellbeing. It can be used to take breaks and opportunities that give them choice, independence and control.
Child Benefit is a tax-free monthly payment made to anyone bringing up a child or a young person. You may be the guardian or carer of your grandchildren. You do not need to be the parent of the child or young person to qualify, but you must be responsible for them.
Also see below about the Healthy Start Scheme
the opening times for Newcastle City Council, Jobcentre, foodbanks, transport and support services during the festive holidays
Cold weather payments are made to help people keep warm during extended cold spells of weather between November and 31 March each year.
support available if you’re having problems paying energy and household bills
Council Tax Support is a benefit that helps people on a low income to pay the Council Tax on the property they live in.
Help is available to manage debt if you need it. This article covers everything from planning your finances, financial help, utility debt and illegal lending.
Disability Living Allowance is a payment for disabled children who need additional support for their care or mobility needs. Disability Living Allowance for adults is being replaced by Personal Independence Payment.
Many charities and community groups are collecting donations from the public to help support refugees and asylum seekers.
Emergency funds provide lump sum cash payments or loans to cover extra expenses that you find difficult to cover from your regular income.
is for people who are unable to work due to illness or disability and under pension age.
Income related ESA has been replaced by Universal Credit for new claims
Employees may first be entitled to Statutory Sick Pay
A list of charities and voluntary groups where you can get free food parcels when you can’t afford to buy food.
If you can’t afford to buy or cook food for yourself, help is available. Read more below to find local services, charities and community groups who can help and low cost options to help make your money go further.
Looking for a hot meal or low cost food in Newcastle? Find voluntary groups and charities that cook meals for the community across Newcastle.
It’s a good idea to think about how you will manage your new financial and legal arrangements when marrying or starting a new civil partnership in later life.
Affordable family clothing including school uniform, interview outfits and special occasions.
Most NHS services are free, however, you may be entitled to free treatment or help with some of these health costs.
Housing benefit provides help towards rent costs and some housing service charges for people on a low income or wage.
Universal Credit is replacing Housing Benefit for many working age people.
How to challenge a benefit decision.
If you are not happy with the service or goods that you have received you can make a complaint, or in some cases you may be able to return the goods and secure a refund.
There are grants available to help pay for changes to your home (adaptations) and equipment to help you live independently and comfortably at home for longer
Incapacity Benefit has been replaced by Employment Support Allowance.
Income Support is a benefit for people on low income and is means tested.
Universal Credit is replacing most new claims for working age means-tested benefits, including Income Support, but some people still receive it.
Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit is a benefit for people who are disabled caused by certain types of work or because of an accident at work.
Jobseeker’s allowance is a taxable benefit for people who are below state pension age and who are unemployed.
A learning disability is a life-long condition. It affects a person’s ability to communicate or to do everyday things. People with a learning disability find it harder than others to learn, understand and communicate.
Considering moving abroad? There are some things to consider about how this may effect any benefits you are receiving or entitled to.
Plan ahead to manage your affairs. There may be a point in your life where you are unable to manage your finances and need someone to do this for you. Or if you care for a family member or friend, you may need to step in to manage their finances and other affairs, if they are unable to do so themselves.
Mental health is about how we think, feel and behave. 1 in 4 people in the UK have a mental health problem which affects their daily life, relationships or physical health.
Manual wheelchairs, mobility scooters and powered wheelchairs make it possible for you to get out and about and participate in the activities you enjoy. There are different vehicles available to choose from.
When you reach the age of 18, Social Care services are usually provided by Adult services. You will start the move to Adult Social Care between the age of 16 and 18. This is known as the transition from Children’s to Adult Services. There is not a set age to move to Adults Social Care. Everybody is different. It will happen at the time that is right for you.
You pay National Insurance contributions throughout your working life, to build up your entitlement to certain state benefits, including the State Pension.
The Payment Exception Service is a way for people who do not have a bank account to collect benefit or pension payments.
Pension Credit is a benefit to help those of pension age top up their income and an extra payment for those who have saved for retirement.
PIP is a benefit to help towards some of the extra costs associated with ill-health or disability
Retiring from work is a decision which most people will have considered very carefully. Many people are now retiring at a younger age and living longer. Retirement can be an exciting new phase in your life,
Self-care or self-management means taking responsibility for keeping yourself healthy, thinking carefully about lifestyle choices and paying attention to how you feel on a day to day and long-term basis. This can be important for people with a long term health condition or with a disability . There are services and benefits that can help too.
The State Pension is a payment you receive if you have paid enough National Insurance contributions by the time you retire.
If you are seeking asylum in Newcastle there are a number of local services that can help with support and advice.
This article signposts you to support and help if you are on a low income.
This article explains the housing and support services that are available for people with a learning disability or autism.
Tax Credits include: Child Tax Credits and Working Tax Credits. They are being replaced by Universal Credit and Pension Credit
Universal Credit is replacing six working-age means-tested benefits. It provides one payment which takes into account housing, employment, children and income.
There are a number of state funded financial benefits which you maybe eligible to receive which will help to improve your quality of life and the cost of living.
Wellbeing Hubs are warm welcoming place to spend time in Newcastle. Local venues, such as libraries and community centres, offer a range of support such as hot drinks, free Wi-Fi, place to charge your devices, information, advice and more.
The Winter Fuel Payment is a tax free payment to help older people keep warm during winter. It is provided by the government.
Some benefits can be affected when you go into hospital or into residential care. Here are some things to consider.