There are many different types of care available that can help you to live more comfortably and independently. Getting help at the right time can help improve your quality of life. Allowing you to continue enjoying life, plan ahead and make choices that are right for you.
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helping you to plan your visit to Newcastle so you know where public and accessible toilets are available
Addiction is when you are unable to stop yourself from, taking a chemical, drug, substance or carrying out an activity. Even if it causes you or others mental and physical harm. Common addictions are alcohol, drugs, gambling or sex.
Please report any abuse in Newcastle. Abuse can be emotional, physical, sexual, financial, discriminatory, exploitation, psychological, organisational, domestic, neglect, self neglect or modern slavery.
Advocacy is where someone helps you to get your views and opinions heard. They can support you to access services if you are unable to do so by yourself.
imAGE #Age Proud Newcastle is a celebration of organisations, events, activities and opportunities for older people during October. It is a collaboration led by the Elders Council, Equal Arts, Newcastle City Council and voluntary partners.
Whether you are drinking to socialise, cope with difficult times or just to relax, you may not realise how much you are drinking and the damage it could cause. A small change can make a lasting difference to your health. Local help and support is available
Attendance allowance is a benefit for people with disabilities or long term health problems who need support, care or supervision
is a life-long condition which affects a person’s ability to communicate or to do everyday things. This page has more information about local support organisations and groups in Newcastle.
The Message in a Bottle scheme helps you store your personal and medical information in your fridge door, so it can found quickly by emergency services. This simple idea could help to save your life.
Getting help at the right time can help improve your quality of life and allow you to continue enjoying life, plan ahead and make choices that are right for you.
List of residential and nursing care homes in Newcastle commissioned by Newcastle City Council.
Carer’s allowance is a state benefit, for people over 16, who spend at least 35 hours a week caring for someone and the person you care for receives certain benefits.
As a carer you may be entitled to a Carers assessment from the council to find out what support is available to you in your caring role.
carers can apply for funding to help improve their health and wellbeing. It can be used to take breaks and opportunities that give them choice, independence and control.
Care homes can provide accommodation with either personal or nursing care, depending upon your needs. They vary in size and in the facilities that they provide.
Help with cleaning and housework.
If you are not happy with the service that you receive, or if you feel that something has gone wrong, Adult Social Care services need to know.
support available if you’re having problems paying energy and household bills
There are a number of day services to choose from in Newcastle including lunch clubs, social activities, fitness classes and much more.
Dementia is a term used to describe various disorders involving a loss of brain function, such as thinking, memory, reasoning and language.
Newcastle is committed to becoming a Dementia Friendly city.
a way of paying for Adult Social Care support services such as home care, day services or respite care. Direct Payments allow you to buy and arrange your own care and support services.
The Equality Act protects disabled people’s rights including employment, education, and access to services and facilities.
can happen to anyone. It’s described as any incident or pattern of incidents that are: controlling, coercive, threatening, violent.
Concerned about drug use in your local area? Worried about your own or someone you love’s use of drugs or alcohol? Support and advice is available.
Epilepsy is a neurological condition which causes seizures. There are many different types of epilepsy and seizures.
Looking to connect and make new friends? There are many places to meet up with people in Newcastle.
There are lots of venues and lunch clubs in Newcastle. Some offer discounts for older people or a tailored service such as lunch clubs where you can socialise with other like minded people.
Gardening is good for you. It is therapy and fitness rolled into one.
Research improves the health and social care provided by the NHS and others. Advancing medicine to find new cures and better treatments for future generations. It also helps to improve diagnosis, prevention and quality of life for everyone. In some cases it can change lives, or even save lives.
How to get involved in research, share your experiences to improve services or speak up for your your community This may be called activism, involvement, engagement, co-production or collaboration.
Getting to hospital can be a worry for some people. This section gives details on how you can travel to and from the hospitals in Newcastle.
You can help to improve our health services. You can volunteer to take part in groups or forums to make sure the views of patients, carers and the public are heard. Your feedback is used to improve health services in the North East of England.
Health inequalities are unfair and avoidable differences in health, this article looks at what they are and how we can work to improve inequalities.
Most NHS services are free, however, you may be entitled to free treatment or help with some of these health costs.
There are supported shopping schemes that can help you buy your essential items or have them delivered.
You can make changes to your home or get equipment to help you with day-to-day tasks and activities. This can be important to your wellbeing and quality of life.
If you need some support at home with personal care such as bathing, dressing and making meals, there are organisations that may be able to help you.
The list of home care agencies commissioned by Newcastle City Council and general and specialist providers in Newcastle.
You can raise any concerns that you have about health services. There is help to make a complaint
If you are not happy with the service or goods that you have received you can make a complaint, or in some cases you may be able to return the goods and secure a refund.
There are grants available to help pay for changes to your home (adaptations) and equipment to help you live independently and comfortably at home for longer
The way the healthcare services are planned and purchased in Newcastle and the whole of England has changed. NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) have now replaced the NHS Primary Care Trusts.
Information about looking after a young relative.
community launderettes and laundry services in Newcastle that can wash and dry your clothes.
A learning disability is a life-long condition. It affects a person’s ability to communicate or to do everyday things. People with a learning disability find it harder than others to learn, understand and communicate.
Here’s information on what should happen when you leave hospital and tips for how to get ready to return home.
Care homes provide accommodation with either personal or nursing care, depending upon your needs. They vary in size and in the facilities that they provide.
These services are available to you if you have eligible care and support needs. This is decided when you have a needs assessment with Adult Social Care at Newcastle City Council. Care and support can be arranged by the Council.
Loan sharks are unlicensed money lenders who often charge very high interest rates. They sometimes use threats and violence to frighten people who can’t pay back their loan. You can get help if you have borrowed money from a loan shark or suspect one is working in your area.
Unpaid carers can get information, support and apply for financial assistance from local organisations such as the Newcastle City Council, health services and voluntary organisations. Find out what’s available to carers in Newcastle
Some people have difficulties making decisions. This could be due to a learning disability, dementia, a mental health problem, or a brain injury
If you are finding it difficult to prepare your own meals and have no other way of getting a main meal, you may want to consider applying to have hot meals delivered to your home.
Mental health is about how we think, feel and behave. 1 in 4 people in the UK have a mental health problem which affects their daily life, relationships or physical health.
If you need help with a mental health problem outside normal working hours here are services you can use.
For many people the main symptom is a painful headache. Other symptoms include disturbed vision; sensitivity to light, sound and smells feeling sick and vomiting.
When you reach the age of 18, Social Care services are usually provided by Adult services. You will start the move to Adult Social Care between the age of 16 and 18. This is known as the transition from Children’s to Adult Services. There is not a set age to move to Adults Social Care. Everybody is different. It will happen at the time that is right for you.
End of life care, is support for people who are close to the end of their life. This could be the last few months, or years of their lives. The care you are given helps you to live as well as possible and to die with dignity. It also includes support for family members.
Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological condition which affects movements such as walking, talking and writing.
The system for paying for care can be quite complicated. The amount you pay depends upon your circumstances.
Telecare can help you live confidently and independently at home. Gadgets, monitoring systems and alarms can be used to keep you safe and well. Giving you and your carers and family peace of mind.
A personal budget is the money that Adult Social Care at Newcastle City Council will pay towards your care and support. Having a personal budget can give you more control over your care and support.
Reablement helps you become independent at home. It is provided by Newcastle City Council.
Commissioned services, have a contract with Newcastle City Council to provide a service. There is an agreement in place to provide a service for a certain amount of money. The organisation must meet the quality standards set by the council.
Information about sexual health, protection from sexual transmitted infections, contraception and details of organisations that can provide you with expert advice and guidance.
Sleep is an essential process that our bodies and minds need in order to function. This article explains why sleep is important and what can affect it.
Dealing with thoughts of suicide, self harm how to help someone and help if you are bereaved by suicide.
There are a range of support groups in Newcastle that help, advise and support people through difficulties including offering emotional support to those people dealing with illness, social isolation, end of life or a long term condition.
This article explains the housing and support services that are available for people with a learning disability or autism.
When being discharged from hospital after a period of illness, you may find this information useful to help plan your care at home and aid your recovery.
Vision impairment means that your eyesight cannot be corrected by glasses or lenses. Conditions include: cataract, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa and a condition related to stroke, hemianopia.
Find out more about places where you can receive legal advice in Newcastle.
This article explains what to expect during your stay in hospital.
A Financial Assessment works out how much you have to pay for your care and support services from Adult Social Care, or how much funding you will receive in Direct Payments
When you have problems managing day to day tasks, you may have care and support needs. You can get a Needs Assessment to find out if you can get support from Adult Social Care